Page 27 of The Duke's Contract

Henry gave his mother a wide-berth out of respect, and generally, Bre agreed with him, but her desire to dismantle something that belonged to Bre could not stand, especially because she knew Henry would not stand for his mother messing in his business.

“She hates me,” she laments, “And she appointed Sienna to the board to hurt me.” Bre hated that she sounded so whiny, but the stress of the last month came to a head with Sienna’s presence. Bre did not fit into Henry’s world, and tonight was not the first time she felt that way. No matter what she did, Bre was not right for Henry. She did not know the proper etiquette, nor did she have the proper connections. Suddenly, it all felt like too much.

“I’m going to bed,” Bre told Henry, storming away towards the house. She wanted a hot bath to calm her nerves as she tried to forget this evening happened.

“I’ll speak to my mother,” Henry whispered as he grabbed her arm, hauling her back against him. “Don’t be cross. My mother thrives on conflict, and it appears Sienna is part of her masterplan.” Henry turned Bre to face him laying a soft kiss against her lips. His body heat seeped from his suite into Bre’s dress, and she wanted nothing more to snuggle into him and find comfort in his presence, but she refused to pretend everything was all right. The more she analyzed the events of the evening, the more Bre realized Sienna and Priscilla might be right, and because Bre’s feelings for Henry continued to grow, she suddenly worried how she might feel when he finally realized everyone around his was correct—she didn’t fit in his world.

“Appears as though Sienna isn’t removing herself from your life anytime soon,” Bre grumbled. Sure, she felt angry at Sienna’s words and Priscilla’s actions, but ultimately, she did not enjoy someone facing someone whose life she felt like she’d stolen. More and more, Bre felt like the imposter in this situation.

Henry’s hands played with the straps of Bre’s dress, his strong hands running their way “You have no reason to be concerned,” Henry whispered as he lowered the strap. His lips moved to place a featherlight kiss over her skin. “Sienna Marlborough is ice, and I very much prefer a woman who sets me on fire.” Bre moaned at his words and his touch.

She knew Henry wanted to distract her from her anger, but the heat that pooled in her belly made it, so she wasn’t sure if she cared. “Don’t you worry you’ll get burned,” she whispered seductively playing right into where he wanted her.

Her hand making its way into Henry’s suit pants, as he continued caressing her skin. Bre knew this was the time for talking, and not sex, but she wanted to feel secure in Henry, and she knew sex was one way to handle that.

Bre moaned as Henry cupped her breast through her dress. His finger pressing against her nipple elicited a moan from her. A month ago, she’d worry about someone walking in on them—his mother, the help, the caterer— but Henry taught her to enjoy public exhibition. The fear of discovery added an extra element to the already mind-blowing sexual encounters, and she felt desperate to become mindless tonight.

Bre continued to work Henry over with her hand. His pants made it difficult to fully embrace him, but his moans made it clear the friction felt good, and Bre wanted him to feel the fire he so craved from her.

“I need to fuck you,” Henry told her as he removed her hand from his pants and hoisted her into his arms. His arms carried her fireman style from the porch, and it would have been romantic if Bre wasn’t so hot for him.

“What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly.

“I’ve dreamed about fucking you in the gardens,” he told her as he moved them away from the windows and further into the secluded area of the gardens.

When he finally set her down on the ground, Bre pounced. She wanted him desperately.

“Take what’s yours,” she told him. Henry growled at her words, his hands lifting her expensive dress before he ripped her underwear from her body.

“No, foreplay,” she gasped as she fumbled with her belt. She wanted him hard and fast and didn’t want to wait. Henry grunted in response before rolling a condom over his hard member. Bre stopped wondering how he managed to always have one on hands weeks ago.

“Are you ready to take me?” he asked her his hard cock dipping slightly inside of her. Henry was bigger than most of the men she’d been with, and he usually spent a great deal of time priming her up, making sure she was wet and ready, but tonight, neither of them wanted to wait. Her insecurities made her even more mindless to feel him inside of her than usual. Sienna might be the perfect wife for him, but Bre knew her body fit into his seamlessly. “Fuck me,” she begged, thrusting herself against him.

Henry gave her what she wanted and thrust himself hard and steady inside her tight heat. He didn’t even give her a moment to adjust, instead of thrusting violently in and out making her scream in pained pleasure.

“Take it all,” Henry grunted as Bre dug her heels into the ground meeting him thrust for thrust. The pain didn’t abate her pleasure, and her eyes rolled back into her head as Henry fucked her into the ground. “Your mine,” Henry growled out, grabbing her hair in his hands. He rarely lost control, but seeing him come undone heightened Bre’s already screaming pleasure.

“Harder,” she screamed, raking her nails down the skin of his back. Henry’s thurst sped up in a way that Bre wasn’t sure was possible, and her legs failed her as a white-hot orgasm screamed through her belly. Henry’s animalistic roar followed suite before he spent himself inside of her.

Bre knew her body was marked up, and she felt the blood under her fingernails signaling she’d left her own marks.

“No one will ever fuck the way we do,” Henry told her, sucking a spot of sweat off her neck.

Bre breathed heavily, her heart clenching at his words. Even now, after the grittiest sex of her life, she felt like she couldn’t grasp a moment that was fleeting from her. As Henry whispered dark, sexual secrets in her ear, Bre stared into the sky a tear rolling down her cheek.

Chapter Nineteen

Last night felt amazing to Henry. He enjoyed watching the fruits of Bre’s hard work come fruition, and he especially enjoyed their private after-party. The only part that dampened Henry’s mood was knowing Bre was upset. Looking back, Henry felt guilty over how he handled her upset. She’d practically begged for his touch, but Henry knew something was off by her behavior. Sure, Bre became more sexually adventurous in the time they’d spent together, but she generally, put up a small fight before she gave in to his explorative advances.

Last night, she’d practically begged him to fuck her dry, and he’d complied without a second thought, uncomfortable with the insecurities she quietly shared. His mother readily shared with him her thoughts on Bre’s suitability, and he knew the tabloids were smearing her left and right while exalting Sienna. Henry wanted to ignore it and hoped Bre would too, but after last night he knew the whispers and words were beginning to hurt her.

They’d engaged in explosive sex, but afterward, Bre withdrew from him and asked to return to her flat, something that rarely occurred since they’d decided to continue their farce of an engagement.

Disappointed at her request to leave, but understanding, Henry let her go. Now, he thought perhaps he should have asked her to stat. Shielding her from the gossip, it seemed, was no longer an option. What made Henry feel especially terrible was that while Bre became The Whore of Rochester, his own image improved. Their plan worked, but the cost felt too high.

Today, Henry found himself on a mission to fix his relationship before it blew up in his face. Though they were not engaged, over the month, Henry found himself becoming more and more enraptured by Bre.

At the very least, he knew he wanted to protect her from the fallout of his life. He might not be able to control the press or the nasty words whispered by those in his social circle, but he could attempt to solve the problem of his mother. Last night, after their explosive sex, Bre told him she was okay with Sienna being on the board. This morning he took her out to breakfast in an attempt to make up for his behavior the following night. She’d insisted that he stay out of the situation, her vulnerability from the night before gone. His feelings of guilt meant he’d abide by her wishes and not get involved in the charity, but he planned to ensure his mother stayed out of it as well.