Page 18 of The Duke's Contract

“I am glad you enjoyed your evening, “Henry told her. “Still, next time we will do something a little more elegant,” he said. Though the night started off rough with Matthew, Thomas, and her forced date, the ending with Henry, the Indian food, and the pub felt pretty special, almost as though she were stepping foot into a secret part of Henry’s world.

The car filled with an awkward silence as Bre contemplated Henry’s words. He promised her a next time, but they both knew this was the first and only outing they would partake in considering he would be married off in no time by the looks of things.

“Don’t do that,” Henry said quietly his voice taking on the commanding tone he generally used. Gone was the carefree nature of the evening.

“Do what?’ Bre asked.

“Don’t shut down,” he told her.

Bre scoffed at him, “Don’t make promises you aren’t planning to keep.”

Henry groaned irritated at the change. “I’m not making promises I don’t plan to keep Breanne. I don’t say things I don’t mean.” His mood shifted quickly, and the relaxed atmosphere fled.

“Isn’t that your M.O.?”

“What are you talking about?” Henry ran his hand through his hair frustratingly. “Despite what you believe you know, I don’t con women into spending time in my company. I honestly tell them what to expect when getting involved with me. So despite your assumptions, I’m not quite the player you make me out to be.”

His words made Bre feel ashamed, especially as she considered their conversation. She knew there was more to Henry than met the eye, but just as she considered apologizing, she remembered Sienna Marlborough. “Have you been honest with Sienna about your intentions?”

“Is that your concern?” he asked his mood appeared to shift from murderous to amused. “Are you jealous of Sienna?”

Bre shot him a death glare. “I’m not jealous,” she said bitingly. “But, I’m not a cheater, and I’m not sneaking around on dates with a man who is dating someone else. We had a nice time tonight. We had a one night stand. Let’s just leave it.”

Everything in Bre balked at her words. Their encounters didn’t feel casual. Bre never connected with anyone the way she connected with Henry, and tonight seemed to make that even more apparent.

“Sienna and I aren’t dating,” Henry told her turning in his seat to softly grab her hand. Bre refused to look at him knowing she’d fall deep into the fathomless pools of his eyes. “Look at me,” he commanded, pressing her chin, so they would be face-to-face. “I’m not interested in Sienna, and she knows that. I went to the gallery with her tonight because I’m considering hiring the photographer for a charity event Sienna is assisting with me.”

Bre’s emotions felt so wrecked. She wanted to believe in what Henry told her, but she didn’t trust him, at least, she didn’t know if she trusted him. After all, if any woman knew how cold Henry could be, it was Bre.

“Come home with me,” Henry whispered, brushing his lips against her own. Bre’s body exploded at the soft contact, and the heat in her blood flared.

“Henry,” she whispered once again, unsure of what she wanted.

At her words, Henry moved away from her slightly keeping his hand on her cheek tenderly. “We can’t do this,” Bre whispered softly. Even if Sienna was not an issue, Henry’s mission of finding a wife still took precedence. She knew she couldn’t get more involved with him than she already was if she hoped to come out of here with her heart intact.

“We can do whatever we want,” Henry told her. Henry refused to give up in his pursuit as he began caressing every spare inch of her skin with his large, warm hands, and Bre was not sure how much longer she could be okay.

“Come home with me, Breanne. All of the other things don’t matter. This,” he said gesturing between the two of them, “this between us is something special. Let yourself feel it,” he told her. He brushed his lips across her neck, causing Bre to shudder under his touch.

With each brush of his lips, Bre’s resolve weakened. By the time he made his way back to her lips, she allowed him to kiss her with soft sensuality. His tongue slipped between her lips, and the touch of it sent electric pulses through her body. Henry’s hand made its way into Bre’s hair, which allowed him to take more control of the kiss.

Breaking for air, the two breathed slowly staring into one another’s eyes. The intensity between them washed over Bre’s body like a tidal wave. The feeling pulled her under, and her breath escaped her body. She didn’t want to leave, but her head told her to flee.

Chapter Thirteen

Bree and Henry managed to keep themselves contained as they entered his suite.

“You keep staring at me,” Bre said shyly. Henry refused to take his eyes off her enraptured by her beauty. This evening would be like nothing he ever experienced before.

“I refuse to stop looking,” he told her. “Why wouldn’t I appreciate the most beautiful woman in the world?” A deep flush overtook Bre’s cheeks at the compliment. There was nothing Henry enjoyed more than when her skin began to flush softly.

“Do you say this to all the women you bring home?” she questioned.

“I’ve never brought another woman home,” Henry told her softly moving closer towards her. Once again, he found himself being vulnerable around Bre, a very new situation for him.

The incredulous look on Bre’s face made that moment of honestly worth it. “You’ve never brought a woman here?”

“No. I don’t generally allow others into my personal space,” he told her honestly. “It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted someone’s company.” Bre’s blush darkened at the implications of his compliment, and Harry couldn’t stop his hand from reaching out to cup her cheek.