Page 14 of The Duke's Contract

“Don’t go yet!” Matthew called as she began packing up her things.

“Didn’t you tell me to take a vacation earlier?” she questioned, wondering what changed in five hours. “Matthew, I seriously need to go before my eyeballs dry up and roll out of their sockets,” she told him.

“Can’t help with the eyeballs, but how about a tall glass of wine,” Thomas Marlborough said as he walked into the House of Rochester’s PR office. Bre nearly dropped dead at the sight of the golden-god.

“Thomas!” Bre exclaimed her shock, not masked “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to pick you up for our date,” he told her, his face lighting up with a smile. Bre was sure she’d never seen teeth so white in her life. His entire presence seemed to light up the room.

“What date?” she asked confusion coloring her features. Mentally, she thought back to the previous day when she emailed him thanking him for the flowers.

“The one you emailed me about this afternoon,” Thomas told her. This time he appeared to be the confused party. His smile faltered just an inch.

The wheels spun in Bre’s brain, and a million scenarios presented themselves. ‘What the hell is happening to my life,’ she thought dejectedly. It wasn’t until she looked over at Matthew that she realized what happened. He wore his guilt on her face, and Bre was certain she turned as red as her hair.

“I’m sorry, Thomas,” she said, trying to salvage the situation with minimal embarrassment. “You’re right. It’s been a long day,” Bre said. She wanted to strangle Matthew, but she refrained.

“No apologies needed,” Thomas replied in his easy manner. He was dressed well in a classic gray suit. He was leaner than Henry but just as tall. His blond hair was slicked back creating an unobstructed view of his beautiful eyes. If she could stop thinking about Henry’s cock, she might have felt attracted to Thomas. Instead, she felt embarrassingly underdressed and hurt by Matthew’s subterfuge.

“I’m sorry I’m not dressed for a date,” she commented gesturing down to her work attire.

“Nonsense, “ Thomas replied, his gaze sweeping across her outfit. “You look splendid and perfect for where we are going.”

“Oh?” Bre questioned intrigued as to what sort of date required business professional attire.

“Yes,” he said earnestly. “A dear friend of mine is opening an art gallery this evening in London, and I thought perhaps we’d go have a look. You mentioned you’d studied art at university.” A part of Bre, a small part, felt impressed that he remembered her drunken tirade about art school.

Bre felt touched that he remembered her drunken ramblings. ‘Why can’t I want to screw the nice guy,’ she thought to herself.

“London sounds lovely. It’s been a while since I’ve managed my way into the city,” she told him. Despite being only forty minutes away, Bre rarely made it to London due to her inability to drive. “And an art gallery sounds amazing,” she admitted, her excitement rising at the thought of something new. Bre couldn’t remember the last time she had been on a date, and even though, she did not feel an attraction towards Thomas, she knew they would have a great time. Being around him felt natural and fun, and any chance to enjoy art felt like an evening well spent.

“Well, if you are done here, allow me to treat you to a night on the town. At the very least, I promise there will be wine.” Bre chuckled at his words. Another man might consume her thoughts, but she admitted to herself that the one in front of her proved pretty charming.

* * *

“These photographs are amazing,” Bre said, taking in the breathtaking landscape photos on the walls. The photographer managed to perfectly capture the rugged beauty of the British countryside, as well as the grit of the London cityscape. The series captured the juxtaposition of the small island nation so wonderfully that it took Bre’s breath away. “I’m glad I decided to join you,” she admitted to Thomas, her voice sincere.

“I am as well,” he replied, placing a hand around her waist. His breath tickled her ear and Bre shivered at the contact. After the awkwardness of the car, where conversation felt stilted, the evening seemed to take a wonderful turn. They drank wine and discussed art, and Bre had not felt so intellectually and creatively stimulated in a long time. The only thing missing was the spark.

“I don’t think we’ve seen the exhibit over there,” Bre said, pointing to another corner of the room before she untangled herself from Thomas’ arms. Being so close to Thomas made Bre feel uneasy. Because he was a true gentleman, Thomas let her go smoothly, following after her like a lost puppy.

Bre continued her assessment of the photographs engrossing herself in the art. Once upon a time, Bre dreamed of selling photographs such as these in a gallery, but reality set in, and she ended up going to business school instead. Times like this evening made her question her decision.

“Ah, my sister is here. I’m going to go say hello,” Thomas said to Bre, his words barely registering as she continued to admire the work on the walls. Thomas was kind enough, but his presence was starting to feel more like a hindrance than a bonus. She enjoyed the art more than the company.

“Beautiful, aren’t they?” a familiar masculine voice whispered against her neck. Bre tensed as her senses heightened.

“The photographer is quite talented. The way he captures the light brings a great deal of mood into each particular setting,” she said quietly, enjoying Henry’s body heat against her. His scent invaded her space, and she shivered against him. “Do you like art?” she whispered, scared of breaking the moment.

She shouldn’t have been surprised at Henry’s presence, after all, he seemed to be everywhere Sienna was, but somehow her body was not ready to be near him. At the sight of him, her thighs instantly quivered as she remembered the orgasm he made her feel. Even though he was with another woman, she wanted him badly.

“Darling!” Sienna Marlborough loudly exclaimed as she made her way over towards Henry, her brother in tow. “Look who I found!” she exclaimed, bringing a sheepish looking Thomas over. Bre considered if he had known Sienna and Henry would be at the gallery before scheduling their date.

Henry did not move from his spot against her, and the added presence of their guest made her squirm uncomfortably.

“Good to see you, Thomas,” Henry said curtly barely giving Thomas or Sienna his attention. Bre had to hand it to the siblings, neither of them wavered in their politeness even as Henry moved closer to Bre, his hand resting itself of the small of her back.

“I’m sorry,” Sienna said, turning her attention towards Bre, “I do not believe we know one another, “she said.