Page 10 of The Duke's Contract

“Sienna Marlborough is hosting a charity event this evening. I’ve purchased you a seat and began preparing the House’s social media to make a big declaration of it this evening,” Bre said. “The account has a relatively large reach, so I’ll attach any information for fundraising on the site, which might generate some revenue,” she told him. She did her research and put a plan into place, for which Henry felt grateful. He needed an in with Sienna Marlborough, a darling socialite known for her charity work and pristine reputation. Bringing in some donations for whatever charity she was a patron of might help, which is probably the idea behind Bre’s plan. She inadvertently began the ball rolling down a hill that led towards destruction, which should make him happy, but Henry’s heart was just not in it.

“Purchase two tickets for the event” Henry ordered after a beat. He refused to let this night be as dull as it sounded.

Bre’s eyebrows shot up, and Harry smirked internally. He’d made the statement in the hopes of breaking through Bre’s cold exterior. He wanted nothing more than to bring back the fire he felt earlier that morning.

“Why would I purchase two tickets? Will your mother be attending?” She asked.

Henry shook his head. “My mother remains as far away from this as possible,” he said to her. “No, the ticket is for you.”

“For me?” she questioned. Henry enjoyed the way her forehead furrowed at his words.

“Yes, how can I woo my future wife if you do not guide me?” Henry asked smugly enjoying the look of horror on Bre’s face.

“You can’t be serious?” she asked, shocked by his behavior though, at this point, he did not know why his behavior shocked him.

Standing behind his desk, Henry made a big show of buttoning up his jacket, before moving towards Bre. “I never joke,” he whispered seductively.

For a moment, Henry considered taking it back as Bre began to turn a shade of red that matched her hair. Standing behind her, he leaned down so that his lips touched the shell of her ear. He smirked as he felt her shiver against him.

“A dress will be waiting for you. Make sure you bring that dossier that I know you are putting together behind my back, I am going to need talking points,” he commanded walking past his desk and out of the door leaving Bre turned on in his wake.

Chapter Eight

Sienna Marlborough’s charity gala took place in the garden of her family home. Her family home looked like a Georgian castle. The fundraiser consisted of charging each person $2,000 to mill around the grounds of her father’s home in evening wear sipping expensive champagne and munching on caviar. Bre was certain that ninety-eight percent of the people in attendance did not know what charity they supported here.

Everything here felt costly and shiny, and Bre felt utterly out of place. Sure, she wore a designer gown and heels provided by her boss, but the hor d’oeuvres served probably cost more than her salary.

Because of this, she stayed away from the mix and followed Henry with her eyes as he schmoozed Sienna. Bre frowned as she took in Sienna from across the garden. She was undoubtedly beautiful in her dusty rose dress. Her golden hair was swept up in a loose chignon, and her heels made her legs look even longer. Watching her and Henry, Bre felt the first sparks of jealousy unfurl in her chest at how perfect they looked together. Sienna’s bright beauty was like the sun against Henry’s darkness. It made Bre ache to know that while she might physically have a piece of Henry, she would never be part of this world the way Sienna would.

After conducting research, Bre knew why Henry insisted on Sienna playing the role of future bride. Bre herself could not have found a better woman to become Duchess of Rochester. Sienna was not only well-educated and from the right family, but her charity record was unmatched. Her public persona would rival Mother Theresa.

If Henry wanted to better his reputation, this is the woman who would help him to do it. Too bad the idea of their marriage made Bre down another glass of champagne.

“Killer party,” a handsome young man in a tuxedo said as he slid into the empty garden bench next to Bre. His crystal blue eyes sparkled with mirth, and their clarity took Bre’s breath away. She had never seen eyes so clear before.

“That was sarcasm,” the man said when Bre did not immediately respond. “I tried to convince my sister to hold this shindig in a night club, but that is dé classé,” he told her.

“Your sister?” Bre asked.

“Sienna Marlborough, ” he said gesturing over to where Sienna spoke with Henry.

Thomas Marlbourogh III was Sienna’s older brother. Thirty, successful lawyer, and heir to the Earldom of Dorchester. He had not been on the party list, but Bre knew him from her research.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Bre said, catching the awkward silence. “I’m Breanne Reynolds.” The two shook hands.

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Reynolds. What brings you to these parts? No offense, but I know everyone here, and I don’t think my sister knows any Americans who are not models or pop stars,” he told her.

Bre laughed. She didn’t blame him for questioning her presence. Outside of being American, she stuck out at this party like a sore thumb. Art school and her small Pennsylvanian town did not prepare her to hob knob with Lords and Ladies.

“It’s okay. I’m not generally at these types of things,” Bre told him. “I’m only here in a work capacity,” she said.

“Your boss?” he questioned.

“Yes,” she said, pointing in Henry’s direction. “Lord Rochester. I’m the Assistant Head of PR for his household. He’s very interested in your sister’s charitable contributions, so I’m here to get ideas for how to support her actions from a social media standpoint.”

Bre stuck to the story she developed in the car. She wanted to explain her presence since, in reality, she had absolutely no reason to be there.

“Henry Rochester is interested in charity?” Thomas asked. His tone suggested that he did not believe her.