“Bloody hell,” I grunt, almost losing my boot in a deep hole that I hadn’t seen. A quick pinch of pain shoots up my side, tweaking a muscle. I clench my jaw against the uncomfortable sensation.

Yanking my foot out of the deep sludge, I cast my eyeline downward. It’s more important now to see where I’m stepping than eyeing my final destination. It takes only a matter of minutes to get from the area the woman fell back to my cabin’s covered porch, but the challenging trek made it feel longer.

I pride myself in staying in shape even though I’m no longer enlisted, but my chest still heaves with exhaustion as I pause at the doorway. After scanning the grounds one last time, I toe off my boots and kick them to the side.

This whole time, the woman hasn’t stirred or made a sound in my arms. It’s concerning.

Water drips from my clothes onto the dark hardwood floor as I quickly make my way through the cabin. It’s not until I’ve placed her on the bed in my guest room that she makes a small mewing sound.

A strange sense of relief bursts in my chest. Confused by the emotion, I run a hand down my damp face. Staring at her unmoving body, I realize her hair is still covering most of her face.

I don’t want to invade her space or touch her in an inappropriate way while she’s unconscious, but that can’t be comfortable. Plus, I should check her head for any injuries again.

“Miss, if you can hear me, I’m going to give your head a quick check.”

The floor creaks under my weight as I take a step closer to the bed. Bracing a knee on the edge of the mattress, I lean to the side of her and peel her hair back.

When the first section is moved, my breath catches in my throat. A tingle of familiarity cascades up my spine. Sharp cheekbones come into view with skin made too pale by the cold storm. There’s a smattering of freckles under her eyes.

I move the last strands of her sticky hair and freeze.

How in the fuck is this happening?

“Katrina?” I whisper, not believing what the hell I’m seeing.

It can’t be her. This is some kind of cruel joke.

But at the sound of my voice, the breathy exhale of her name from my lips, she opens her eyes. There’s no denying it now.

Violet eyes stare back at me.

The woman I’ve been searching for over the last four years, the woman who promised me forever and then disappeared…is back.

The question is, why was she spying on me?