Page 15 of The Blowout

“The one who kept changing her mind.” I nod. “I’ll make a note to pick up wine on my way home then.”

I snort, loving how well he knows me. I pause, the mug of coffee halfway to my lips when I realize he called this place home. I love how comfortable he is here. I hope one day soon we can have a home together. A family. I may be getting a head of myself but I could see it so clearly. Charlie would make an amazing father.

A wave of dizziness suddenly comes over me and I teeter on my chair. Charlie’s hand instantly shoots out to steady me and I grip his wrist until the worst is over.

“Shit. Are you okay?”

Blinking, I pick a spot on the other side of the room and try to get myself together. That was really strange. “Yes,” I say slowly, feeling better by the second.

“Do you need to go to the doctor? Can I get you anything?”

“No. No. I’m fine.” Pressing my hand to my forehead, I try to think. This is the fifth time I’ve gotten dizzy randomly this week. What was happening to me? It never lasted this long though, or knocked me off balance so abruptly. “It’s probably my allergies. With the air pressure changing my sinuses are acting up.” It’s never happened before but that has to be the reason for my dizziness. Right?

“Okay,” he says hesitantly. “But if you get dizzy again, call me and we’ll get you to a doctor.”

I smile up at him, thankful for his concern.

“I’m sure all I need is another donut,” I joke. Charlie shakes his head at me. Dropping a quick kiss on my lips, he goes back to his spot across the table. When he leaves half an hour later, it’s with a firm command to call him if I feel ill again and a long, devastating kiss.

* * *

“Girl, something about you is different.”

I finger the French braid my hair is in, confused at Shelly’s words. “What? Really?” Nothing about me is different. “Maybe you’ve just never seen me this blissfully happy,” I joke.

“Nah.” She waves away my comment. Making her way over to me, Shelly circles me before stopping to grip my chin. She turns my head from side to side, looking for I don’t know what. “You’ve been annoyingly happy for weeks now. I’m used to that.”

I’m shocked at her comment. I wouldn’t say I’ve been annoying. It’s not like I talk about Charlie every minute of the day. Maybe just like, once an hour. And sure, I skip to my workstation instead of walking because I have so much extra pent-up energy, but that’s just good for business. A happy worker and all that jazz.

“Are you pregnant?” My mouth opens to give her a snarky response but freezes in an O. I don’t have an immediate response, my brain buzzing with activity. Shouldn’t I be saying no? Laughing at the absurd idea?

Yet I can’t. Because the idea isn’t that crazy. It could be true.

Then again, Shelly could just be talking nonsense and the only difference about me is that I got a little sun on the weekend.

“You’re nuts” is my only response. Waving off her comment, I head to the back, needing a glass of water desperately. My mouth has gone dry. The rest of the afternoon passes in a blur. Even in the chaos of getting the bridal party done and arguing with the bride about “just how wavy should beach hair be,” I can’t get my mind off of Shelly’s words.

Was I pregnant?