Chapter Twenty-Three


She said my name. My full name.

And I hate it.

Sure, she’s said it while we were intimate, but this is different. This feels heavy settling in my chest, like a thousand pound weight.

Her brown eyes shine with confusion. “That’s your name still, right?” she says with the hint of a smile. Usually, I’d argue with her sass, just for the sake of arguing. But now? Now, I just want to hold her in my arms and never let her go. For her to call me Sammy, just to get under my skin.

But the truth of the matter is I love it. I love that stupid nickname I’ve always despised, but only when it comes from her lips. I love it because I love her.

So fucking much.

“Don’t leave,” I blurt out as the emotions of the evening get the best of me.

“Well, I can’t yet. Not until they release me and take the needle out of my hand.”

I ignore her sass and shake my head. “No, Freedom. Don’t. Leave. Stay with me.”

Her eyes widen as she gazes back at me. “What?” she gasps.

“I know I’m different. I’m organized and anal as hell. I can’t stand clutter or understand the need for colored towels, but I feel…better when I’m with you. Understood. Loved. Despite all of my quirks, I feel whole when I’m with you.”

Now it’s her turn to blink rapidly as she tries to keep the tears at bay. She goes to open her mouth, but nothing comes out. For the first time in her life, I think she’s speechless.

“So, I guess what I’m saying is I’m done.”

I can see the moment my words register. There’s a flash of shock, followed by a world of hurt on her gorgeous face. Even lying in a hospital bed, she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. “You’re done?” she whispers, unable to mask the pain.

I reach over and place my palm against her cheek. “Done living this life without you.” It takes a moment for my clarification to sink in, but the moment it does, the most stunning grin spreads across her dry lips. Bending forward, I place my lips against hers. The moment we touch, it’s a homecoming. Life is finally righted again.

“I have something to tell you,” she interrupts, pulling back to look me in the eyes.

“I have something to tell you too. Those papers? I’m tearing them up. I don’t want a divorce,” I start, letting all of the words just flow like a river. “I just had it in my head that we did this wrong, you know? That we couldn’t be married before we dated.” I take a breath, but rush on. “And that was my full intention, Freedom. I wanted to date you. When I spoke with that lawyer, I had every intent to right the wrong I thought we committed in Las Vegas.” I take her hand once more and carefully bring it up to my lips. “But do you know what? The only wrong would be a divorce. I love you.”

My heart is both dancing in my chest and trying to beat out of it. I just told her I loved her. I just blurted it out in the middle of an ER examination room, and I’m not panicking. I feel cool and calm, two things rarely ever associated with me. But I just feel so…happy. So excited. So carefree. Like confessing my love for her is just another part of the day.

She finally opens her mouth to speak. I’m expecting a declaration of love in return, but am nowhere prepared for what she actually says. “I’m pregnant.” It comes out in a big rush of breath, like she just completed a half marathon.

My smile falters, but only a second, as I absorb the news.

Not giving me a chance to say anything, Freedom continues. “I was just as surprised as you are. When I passed out, it was because my blood sugar was low, and I was dehydrated. Apparently, when they did the blood test, it came back positive for pregnancy. I’m pregnant. We’re having a baby,” she rushes out, her eyes wide with a mixture of shock and joy.

Her words hit me hard. Right in the chest. I wasn’t expecting to hear we’d created a child together, but I feel an odd sense of calmness sweep over me. I smile so bright, my face starts to hurt, and all I can do is reach for her. My throat feels tight and my eyes burn, so I grab Freedom, mindful of the IV still in her hand, hold her as close and as tenderly as possible. Our chests are pressed together, and all I can hear, all I can feel, is the beat of a single heart.

Our heart.


When I pull away, our eyes meet. “Marry me.”

She looks surprised, and all I want to do is kiss those lips. “But…what?”

“I know we’re already married, Freedom, but I want to do it again. In front of my family and our friends,” I tell her, bringing my hand to rest on her belly. Her wide eyes look down as tears gather in them. “We can do it whenever, wherever, but I’d like to marry you before our baby arrives.” I search her eyes, waiting for a response. Fortunately, I don’t have to wait long.

“I’ll marry you again, as long as it can be at the bed and breakfast. Maybe by the beach out back?”