Samuel stops and turns my way. “Seriously? No one thinks my job is cool.”

I shrug as I set our dirty dishes in the sudsy water. “Well, I do. I mean, it’s totally weird, but completely cool all at the same time. And I hate to be the one to tell ya, but I’m kinda weird.”

“You don’t say,” he deadpans, grabbing the towel to dry.

“I already know I am, Sammy, but my point is your job is different, it’s not something just anyone can do, and what you do matters to the living.”

When he doesn’t say anything, I stop washing my plate and glance his way. He’s just staring at me, a look of wonder and inquisition. “Thank you,” he says as he clears his throat. “You’re probably the only person I know who sees that.”

“Well, I’m sure your siblings do.”

“My siblings think I’m weird.”

“Well, you are,” I tell him with a big grin, rinsing off the plate and handing it to him. “And your siblings just love to tease you.”

He dries it off and sets it inside the cabinet. “They think I’m boring and anal.”

“You are boring and anal. But you’re pretty cool too,” I confess.

He clears his throat as the tips of his ears turn pink. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Besides, no one else I know is as much fun to hassle as you are, Sammy.”

He just sighs and finishes drying the dishes. Truth is, he’s not only fun to hassle, but fun to be with all the other times too. And now we’re roommates. At least for a few weeks. Married roommates. It’s like the stars started to align for me, and now I’ll have unbridled access to Samuel. No better way to prove to him our marriage is headed to forever than if we’re shacking up together, right?


I have so many ideas to prove it to him, too. It’s going to be fun.