I feel myself getting hard. She’s too close. Her ass is too close to my dick. Her familiar scent is filling my body, stealing my sense of right and wrong. That’s the only reason I can think of as I continue to hold her against me. It’s wrong, I know it, but I can’t seem to stop myself. She’s like a drug I crave, a hit I need, even though I’ve never taken an illegal drug in my entire life.

“I’m sorry you went through that, Freedom.” My words are soft, yet meaningful.

She slowly turns in my arms, those dark eyes locked on mine. I mean to release my hold on her and step back, but somehow, I don’t have the ability. My breath halts in my throat as she reaches up and smooths down my necktie, her soft hands sliding along the silk. I catch a glimpse of her wedding ring. The one I put on her finger less than twenty-four hours ago.

“It’s okay, Sammy. I’m just glad I was able to go live with my grandma.” She smiles up at me. “I met Harper and your family, and I haven’t looked back since.”

I clear my throat. “You were horribly annoying at that age,” I tell her, looking for something lighter to talk about.

Freedom laughs, her long brown hair blowing against my arm. “Yeah, that was because I was thirteen and made it my life goal to annoy the crap out of you,” she replies, tapping me on the chest.

“Well, you’re very successful,” I tell her, which only draws out another giggle.

“I am,” she confirms, wrapping her arms around my waist and giving me a hug. I’m not the touchy feely kinda guy, but this is…nice. Really nice, actually. When she pulls back, her eyes seem to light up. “I have an idea.”

Groaning, I already know I’m not going to like this. “Does it involve going back to the hotel and sleeping?”

Sleeping. Together?

Yeah, I could get on board with that.

No, no you won’t.

“Hell no, Sammy! We’re in Vegas. Let’s have some fun!”

“Sleeping is fun,” I grumble, but know it’s no use.

“You can sleep when you’re dead,” she says, tapping me on the cheek. I should hate it, but I don’t. “Let’s go to a casino.”

I give her most horrified look. “A casino? Do you know how many germs are on those machines and those chips, Freedom?”

She rolls her eyes, probably because she knows it drives me crazy. “Come on, Sammy. Live a little. We’ll go play some slots tonight, and then tomorrow, we’ll take in the sights and sounds of the city. We’ll do all of the touristy things I dreamed about doing when I was younger.”

“That sounds horrible,” I state honestly.

“Nope, it’s going to be amazing,” she says, grabbing my hand and dragging me through the newly forming crowd waiting for the next fountain show.

“But…what if I’m getting ready to leave? We can’t just go out and have…fun tomorrow,” I mumble, as we push our way out of the pack and start heading toward the Bellagio.

“You’re not leaving until Monday, Sammy.”

I stop in my tracks, halting her forward progress. “How do you know that?”

She just turns and smiles. With a shrug, she says, “Do you think it was a coincidence we were on the same flight out?”

Then, she turns and pulls against my hand until I start walking again.

Son of a…

Of course, Freedom would have known my flight plan, probably courtesy of my sister. What I wasn’t prepared for is the fact she’s booked on my return flight home. Another flight, most likely seated directly beside Freedom Rayne. There’s no escaping her.