Chapter Five


The auditorium is packed by the time we finally get through the ticket line and security. Show, then dinner. The guys all head to the next line, a concession stand that serves over-priced beer, while the girls make a bathroom stop and plan to meet us at our seats. Even though I’m the only single guy here, somehow, it’s assumed I’m with Freedom for the evening. She basically just walked up to me, told me to get her a beer, patted me on the chest, and walked away.

Typical Freedom.

I have two draft beers and a bag of popcorn as I follow behind the guys to our seats. I’m surprised when I find us heading down toward the floor, and even more shocked when I find the ladies waiting for us in the third row. “Damn, these are nice seats,” my brother, Jensen, says as he hands his fiancée, Kathryn, a beer. Marissa and Rhenn also follow behind me.

“Aren’t they? Mom scored big time,” Harper replies, wearing the same smile she’s had since her Las Vegas destination wedding festivities began.

I slip down the aisle, finding Mom and Latham’s parents, Kitty and Bud. They’re chatting animatedly about the show, discussing the bio in the book they purchased on David Copperfield. Reserved, I take the empty seat between my mom and Freedom, who quickly relieves me of one of my drinks. “Oh, you got popcorn too. Good thinkin’, Sammy!”

She reaches for the popcorn, but I hold it up out of her reach. She’s quite a bit shorter than my six-foot frame, so it’s easy to keep the salty treat out of her grasp. What I wasn’t expecting was for her to literally climb onto my lap to get it. Her long skirt pools at her thighs and I catch a glimpse of her bare ankles. Without truly knowing why, I find myself hard. And staring at those fucking ankles like a crazy man who hasn’t seen a woman in decades.

“Freedom?” I whisper, grateful everyone around us seems to be lost in their own conversations.

“Yes?” Her warm breath hits me square in the neck and sends a shiver through my body. My overly heated, too responsive body.

“Why are you on my lap?”

“Why are you keeping the popcorn from me?”

Realizing I’m still holding it up and out of her reach, I lower the tub, setting it between us. Freedom dives right in and doesn’t seem to care at all that she’s still sitting on my lap, practically straddling my erection and munching on popcorn like it’s no big deal. “Oh, you added extra butter salt, didn’t you?” she asks between bites. Usually, I’d be a little grossed out and a whole lot offended if a woman devoured her food, licking her fingers, and moaning in orgasmic food delight, but not this time. This time, I’m aroused. So fucking aroused, and the worst part is my mom is sitting right beside me.

I clear my throat, that fact like a cold bucket of water thrown on my head, and move Freedom off my lap. She doesn’t really say anything, or seem to notice for that matter, and continues licking the butter salt off her fingers and sipping her beer. No, not sipping. Ladies sip. Freedom devours. She consumes, and again, I don’t understand why that image kicks my libido into overdrive.

“So, you don’t like magic,” she says between bites. “Why not? Scared as a young, impressionable child?”

I take my own drink of beer, grimacing a little at the brand I’m not too fond of. “No, nothing like that. Magic is just an illusion. It’s not real.”

“But it’s real fun to watch, even if it’s as fake as Darci Montgomery’s tits.”

Her words register a split second before the beer in my mouth comes back out. Everyone turns to look at me as I try to wipe the wetness from my chin. Thank Christ no one was sitting in the seats in front of us yet, or they’d be wearing piss beer all over the backs of their heads. “Jesus, Freedom.”

She rolls her eyes. “It’s true. She claimed she was away to some fancy spa for a long girls’ weekend, but we all know where she was. No one goes to the spa a B-cup and returns a D with pointy nipples. If that doesn’t scream surgically enhanced, I don’t know what does.”

“If you say so,” I mumble, refusing to think about Darci’s breasts. Instead, my mind slithers on over to another pair. Ones that are small, yet perky and would fit perfectly in my palm.

No, Samuel. We are not thinking about Freedom’s breasts.

Oh, yes, we are.

And they’re fucking fabulous.

I inwardly groan just as the stage goes dark. Everyone files into their seats and the show begins, the magician taking the stage. Freedom whistles—you know, one of those eardrum piercing loud noises that makes dogs howl—and claps her hands, spilling her beer. On my pantleg. There’s no time for me to grumble or even brush off the excessive liquid as Mr. Copperfield starts to perform.

Admittedly, his show is fascinating, even if it is all a complete pile of crap. The crowd is enthralled, especially Freedom. The bright lights of the stage seem to reflect in her eyes, lighting up her entire pretty face as much as her smile does. I find myself studying her profile, from her narrow chin to her high cheekbones. She’s wearing minimal makeup, as always, and has her hair pulled up in a high ponytail. She’s wearing at least four necklaces and twice as many bracelets, and on anyone else, it would probably look at little weird. But on Freedom, it looks…normal. Pretty. Sexy, even.

“Las Vegas is the birthplace of sin and love. Might I have one lovely couple come on stage and assist me with my next trick?” David says to the crowd, and just about every hand in the joint flies in the air. “Ahh, yes, you two. Come on up,” he adds, pointing down our row. I realize it’s my sister and future brother-in-law who are being escorted onto the stage for the next part of David’s show.

Freedom lets another whistle fly as our family cheers for Harper and Latham. He has her hand as he helps her navigate the stairs and step onto the stage. “Good evening. You are?”

“I’m Harper and this is my fiancé, Latham,” my sister practically beams at the famous magician.

“Fiancé, huh? You sure you want to marry this guy?” David asks, clearly teasing, but getting a huge rise from the audience.

“I do,” she giggles. Latham, on the other hand, pulls my sister into his side and seems to size up the man in front of him.