“Bullshit! You painted his front door. I still haven’t heard how you got away with it.” Harper grins over the lid of her coffee cup.

Again, I shrug my shoulders. “His place was in need of some serious color,” I tell her, even though she already knows.

“No shit! Did he flip his lid and start spewing statistics about burglary and crime rates to houses with painted doors?”

I chuckle. “No. I mean, yes, he flipped his lid, but mostly because of all the other stuff I painted too, remember? I’ve learned since then he’s not so bad if I just ask for his input before I do it.”

I can feel my bestie’s gaze from across the counter.


“You love him.”

I open my mouth to argue, but nothing comes out. Instead, I go with the truth. “Totally.”

“So? What are you going to do about it?”

I sigh. “Well, he hasn’t brought up the whole divorce thing for a while, so I’m kinda hoping he just wants to stay shacked up with the ol’ ball and chain.”

She smiles. “And if he doesn’t?”

The thought makes me sadder than I ever thought possible.

“I guess I’ll just have to change his mind with the sex,” I tell her, going for comedy relief instead of facing the real issue.

Harper snorts and shoves half a muffin in her mouth. “I’m so glad you’re having the sex, even if it’s with my brother,” she says through an open, full mouth.

“I can see what Latham sees in you, being all refined and ladylike,” I tease, as she continues to chew through her massive bite.

The moment she swallows, she says, “It’s my boobs.”

“Hell yes,” Latham chimes in as he enters the boutique side of their business. When he reaches his wife, he adds, “And her ass too,” as he gives her a hard slap that makes her yelp.

“Please don’t get all kinky right now. We’re about to open, and I really don’t want to have to explain why you’re demonstrating the flogger to the first lady to enter.”

“You have a flogger?” Latham asks his wife, his eyes eagerly searching her lingerie boutique for the dirty goods.

“No. Well, not here anyway,” she replies with a grin and a wink.

There’s no missing the fact Latham adjusts his crotch before kissing Harper on the lips. “See you at lunchtime. Love you.”

“Love you too,” she tells him, smiling like a schoolgirl with her first crush.

“Bye, Free.”

“Later,” I tell him as he disappears into the hardware store. “You two are so cute.”

She snorts. “I know. And we’re banging like monkeys right now. Total honeymoon phase. I kinda don’t ever want it to end, but then again, my vag could use a day or two of R and R.”

“You can take a break from beaver bumping, you know. Just because you rest the cooch, doesn’t mean you’re not in the honeymoon phase anymore,” I reassure her.

Harper flips the closed sign to open and makes sure all the lights are on. “That’s true. I mean, I could practice my stellar blowie skills for a night or two,” she says, her face tight in concentration, as if she were in deep thought.

“That’s true. No man every passes up a blowie.”

I spend my morning working the floor, helping the customers who come in, and restocking product. Harper is in her office most of the time, working on paperwork and orders, so I take the opportunity to browse the merchandise. I find this gorgeous light green bra and panty set with little white eyelets on it. What’s best is I find my size almost right away. Since my girls are a little on the smaller side, I always have trouble finding bras that fit right. Harper knows this, and always makes sure she stocks plenty of product in all shapes and sizes.

When the clock hits noon, Harper comes out of her office and stretches. “God, I hate being cooped up in there. But I got all of my new spring products ordered, and most of the bills paid, so I’ll call it a success.”