The first thing I notice is the cold sheets. They smell clean, but they lack any…heat. Any familiarity. I hate it. But I snuggle into one of the pillows, curl up on my side, and try to go to sleep.

It doesn’t work.

Even though the clock reads midnight, I can’t sleep. I toss. I turn. I count sheep. Nothing works. My mind wanders right back to the feel of his arms around me, the way his lips molded to my own, the way his cock moved inside me. My nipples start to tingle and I’m pretty sure I’m getting wet already.

Sighing, I flop onto my back, wishing I was back in his bed. In his arms. Surrounded in his heat as I drift off to sleep.

That sounds a thousand times better than lying here, alone, and wishing for sleep to claim me.

That’s probably why I find myself getting out of bed and padding quietly to the door. I’m noiseless as I slip across the hall, his door barely moving as I enter his personal space. Instantly, I’m wrapped in everything the other room is lacking, and as I climb into his bed, there’s a smile on my face.

I try to move quickly and silently, and I’m grateful Samuel doesn’t seem to notice he has a bedmate. As soon as I relax against the pillow, I feel the weight of the day just drain from my body. I’m exhausted and finally feel like I can fall asleep.

Just as I close my eyes, I feel his arm swing over my body and pull me toward him. The heat of his chest is pressed against my back, and all I can do is wait. Wait for him to bust me. Wait for him to ask me what I’m doing. Wait for him to boot my ass from his bed.

But he doesn’t.

Instead, he relaxes against me, spooning my back with his much larger chest. I can tell he’s still wearing his undershirt and shorts. The hair on his legs tickles my own legs, but I only seem to burrow in farther. My eyelids finally start to droop as sleep finally calls.

Just before I succumb to the darkness, I feel his arm tighten around me and his lips rest on my shoulder. “Good night, Freedom,” he whispers.

I don’t answer. Instead, I fall asleep with a smile on my lips.