“Five fucking times, Angel.” He places a chaste kiss on my lips before pulling away. “But not here. Not right now.”

Wait, what?

“Our first time together isn’t going to be on the floor or on the table.”

“I’m not opposed to the counter,” I whisper, apparently loud enough for him to hear.

Rhenn chuckles. “I promise you, our first time is going to be better than this,” he adds, nodding toward the floor, and believe it or not, I’m disappointed by this development. “Right now, my friends are probably getting ready for our day of sailing. We’re going to head back to my boat, you’re going to throw on a swimsuit, and I’m going to enjoy the fuck out of watching you prance around my boat. And tonight? I’m going to love sliding into that shitty-ass fold out bed, and do you know why?”

“Why?” My mouth is Sahara dry.

“Because you’re going to be beside me.”

“And because you’ll get sex?” I tease with a smile.

He shakes his head. “No, no sex tonight. Not with Nick and Meghan on board. When I finally have my way with you, there’ll be no one else around to hear your moans, Angel. No one else will know how many times I’ve made you come. No one but me.”

Then he kisses me again with a hunger that feels as if it won’t ever be quenched. Like he might die if he doesn’t have another taste. I know right then and there, I’m in trouble. I’m completely over my head with this man, which is why I must keep my heart completely out of the equation. In fact, I’m leaving it here at the house. No way am I taking it with me, allowing it to catch one glimpse of the man who kisses me like I’m the very air he breathes.

“And at the end of the two weeks, we walk away.” I say the words aloud, as confirmation to him, but to me, as well. Saying them makes it true, right?

“At the end of my time here, you probably won’t hear from me again.” Even though those are the words I expected to hear, actually listening to him say them causes a little hitch in my heartbeat. See? That’s why my heart is going to be locked in the cabinet at home and not allowed anywhere near my time with Rhenn.

“Just promise me one thing,” I say, pushing aside the heavy feeling in my chest and digging deep for the girl who’s engaging in a no-strings relationship.


“Promise me you won’t fall in love with me.” I mean it as a joke, as a reminder of what this really is, but I don’t anticipate the catch in my breath and the slight pang of sadness when his eyes twinkle with laughter.

“No worries there, Angel. Love isn’t my thing.”

I should feel better. I mean, I knew going into this that there was no future, no real relationship. He made it clear way before he even said the words aloud, but I guess hearing him say those exact words makes it all the more final. Our time, while enjoyable as it may be, will come to an end.

It will expire.

He will leave.

And I’ll be left here, praying I still have a heart intact long after he’s gone.

* * *

I’m not going to lie: I’m a little nervous as we make our way to the small boat that’s tied off to our dock. Rhenn is holding my overnight bag in one hand and my hand in his other. My stomach feels fine (thank you, Dramamine), but my head is subtly reminding me of every other time I’ve gotten on a boat – and puked.

“You okay?” he asks, standing on the edge of the dock.

“Yep!” I reply, a bit too cheerfully. The truth is, I’m terrified.

“Come on, Angel. You got this. Nick and Meghan will be there, so you don’t have to worry about me ravishing you the moment we get on board,” he whispers, his warm breath tickling my ear. “And I promise if you’re not having a good time, I’ll bring you back. I don’t want you to be miserable.”

That. That right there. Why does he have to be such a considerate guy?

“I’m sure I’ll be fine,” I reply, steeling my spine and taking a step down into the small boat. I take my seat quickly, holding on to the side of the chair as Rhenn gets in.

So. Much. Rocking.

He sits behind me and fires up the motor. Glancing around, I start to panic. “What’s wrong?” he asks, over the sound of the motor warming up.

“Where are the life jackets?”