“I’ll be fine. Nothing is going to get me on my own property.”

Rhenn hollers to his friends, yet doesn’t remove his eyes from mine. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to walk Marissa back to her place.”

“Okay,” Nick hollers, not seeming to care that Rhenn is leaving him and his pregnant wife in a tiny boat.

I start to protest, but know immediately that it’s fruitless. Rhenn pulls my hand back toward the timber, essentially causing me to fall in line with his plan. “You really don’t need to do this. I’ve been back here a million times by myself. I know the way.”

“I know that, Angel, but I just can’t leave you here. It’s not in me. And besides, I’m pretty sure Nick would kick my ass if I didn’t. He’s a stickler for escorting his employees to their cars at night. Especially after Meghan got jumped one night in the parking lot behind their office.”

I gasp. “That’s terrible.”

“Yeah,” he says.

Is it just my imagination or are his steps slowing down?

“He was on the phone and didn’t walk her out. Some dick tried to take her purse and was going to hurt her. He blamed himself for a while after that,” Rhenn confides in me.

Neither of us speaks as we make our way up the familiar beaten path. When we reach the clearing of our yard, the moonlight illuminates the area enough that I can see the faint smoke coming from the firepit. The light above my sink is the only light filtering through the backyard, which is still a little spooky. The large house is completely black, the electricity still out as the construction process continues.

“Thank you for walking me back,” I say as we step onto my little front porch.

“It was no problem,” he says, rocking back on his heels as he looks down at me. He has yet to release his hold on my hand, which, if I’m being honest, I kind of like. “I’ll see you in the morning?”

Nodding, I reply, “Eight.”

Rhenn gives me a smile. “I’ll be here, ready to eat my fill of breakfast.”

Returning his grin, I say, “I’ll make sure to have plenty of big fluffy pancakes, just for you.”

That seems to be exactly what he wanted to hear because when he turns the full-wattage of his smile on me, I feel it clear down to my toes. This man is lethal, and I’m not talking about his karate abilities. His smile, his build, his manners, his cocky disposition. It’s all part of what makes Rhenn…well, Rhenn.

“See you soon, Angel,” he responds just before his head dips down. I tighten my hold on his fingers and my breath catches in my throat.

He’s going to kiss me again.

His lips tease the corner of my lip, as if testing the waters, so to speak. When I make no move to stop him, he slides his lips slowly across mine. He’s gentle, as if savoring the feel, the taste of me. When his mouth is squarely over mine, I open to him, giving him full access to deepen the kiss. I shiver as his other hand comes up and cups my jaw, his finger tenderly stroking my cheek. My entire body seems to fire to life, a slow burn settling between my legs. His tongue gently slides against mine, igniting my soul and releasing the craving I’ve been trying to trample down.

Before I can climb him like a tree, wrapping my arms and legs around his incredible body, he releases my lips. I almost groan in protest, but keep it from spilling from my wet, swollen lips.

“Good night, Angel,” he whispers, placing another kiss on the corner of my mouth, before slowly pulling away and standing to his full height. He towers over me, and all I can think about now is the way his large body would press me into the mattress as he thrusts inside me, each stroke a bit more powerful than the last.

“Good night,” I manage to croak through my very dry throat.

Rhenn seems to understand exactly where my brain is: Smutville. He throws me that cocky grin, a smug little wink, and releases my hand. I don’t miss the way he tries to discreetly adjust the front of his shorts as he steps off my porch and into the moonlight. My hands shake as I reach for the doorknob, my entire body alive with pent-up desire and sexual frustration. There’s no way I’m sleeping tonight.

Before I shut the door, I glance over my shoulder, only to find Rhenn standing at the edge of the timber. His hands are in his pockets, but it does nothing to mask the bulge in his pants. His desire is written all over his body and his face. His eyes practically devour me as I slowly shut the door, closing him out for the rest of the evening.

As I head into the kitchen to finish cleaning up, my legs a little too wobbly for my own liking, I already know what my answer is to Harper’s burning question. Can I engage in a no-strings sexual relationship with Rhenn Burleski?

The answer is a definite yes.

Now, I just have to figure out how to ask him…