“Anyway, let’s get back to the casual sex thing,” she says, a bit too chipper as she tries to steer the conversation away from the landmine-filled one that centers on our dad.

“There is no casual sex thing, Harp. I can’t do that. I’m not wired that way,” I tell her honestly. All of the sex I’ve had has been within the boundaries of a committed relationship. I’ve never gone home with a guy, only to have him sneak out before daylight. I’ve never left in the morning under the assumption that it’s only a single night of passion. Hell, I’ve never even kissed a guy that I wasn’t on at least a second date with.

Until Rhenn.

“Well, maybe you should consider it a bit more. I’m not saying that’s how you should approach all sex from here on out, but that guy is clearly into you. He can’t take his eyes off you, and if you’re not careful, you’re going to get pregnant from the ‘I want to fuck you’ eyes he’s throwing.”

I gasp. My eyes fly to the other side of the yard, where Rhenn’s are clearly focused solely on me. The look in his eyes? Lust. Pure unadulterated lust, and my body shudders involuntarily. I’ve known there was an attraction. Hell, I felt it pressed against me when he kissed me earlier outside the gym. But this? I’m not sure I’m prepared for this.

“Listen, Riss,” Harper says, leaning in closer so no one can hear our conversation. “I’m not saying you should definitely do it – though, I really think you should – but I don’t think you should completely count it out. Think about it. It’s a short time, I know, but think of it as a summer affair. They happen all the time around here.”

“But I’m not twenty anymore. Adults don’t have summer affairs,” I retort.

“Speak for yourself,” Harper whispers with a smile. “Remember that guy who stayed at the B&B for a week last summer? The hot writer who was finishing up that novel?”

My eyes widen and my mouth hangs open. “Seriously?”

“Hell yeah,” she giggles. “He was smoking hot. Remember?”

I gulp. “Yeah, I remember.”

“Well, we ran into each other in town his first night here and got to talking,” she says with a shrug.


“Well, we talked…at first. Then, there wasn’t much talking. He said I was good for his writing; helped him clear his head,” she adds with another shrug. “All I’m saying is that sometimes, people come into our lives at the right time for a reason. Sometimes those reasons are for things like fun and sex. Mark was definitely fun and the sex phenomenal, and when he finished his book and left? Well, I had nothing but a smile on my face. There was no drama, no sticky goodbyes. Only over-used lady bits and memories that help keep me warm at night.”

I look at my sister as if she grew a second head. “Really? Just like that? No complications, no expectations?”

“Really, Riss. Just like that. We both went into it knowing it was just a little fun, a lot of sex, and nothing more. It was easy, but most of all, it was what I needed after the whole Joey thing.” Her eyes darken just by saying his name. Last summer, my sister found out her boyfriend of a year had sex with some girl in the bathroom of Mara’s bar. She was devastated, no doubt, especially because he blamed her for his actions.

“I don’t know,” I reply, risking another glance at Rhenn. He’s not alone this time, but his eyes are still on me. Even through the slowly darkening sky, I can see the lust, feel the heat. My thighs clench.

“Well, just think about it. You don’t have to do anything, of course, but something tells me,” she starts, leaning in again to whisper in my ear, “sex with that man would be nothing short of magnificent.”

Harper laughs as she gets up and walks toward the cooler to retrieve another beer. She’ll probably leave her car here tonight and ride back to her place with Mom. It took a little finagling, but we were able to arrange beds for everyone here. Mom and Harper will bunk together in Harper’s bed, while AJ and Sawyer take Harper’s guest room that Mom has been staying in since the fire. Orval and Emma will take Samuel’s guest room, while Brian and Cindy volunteered to take the foldout couch in his family room. Meghan and Nick are staying with Rhenn on his boat, which is a good thing because with Jensen only having a two-bedroom place and my tiny studio-like house, there just aren’t any more beds available.

Rhenn continues to watch me watch him. He says something to Nick and slowly makes his way toward me. My entire body starts to hum as he sits beside me, the swing rocking under the weight of his large body. “I think everyone is having a good time,” he says casually, glancing around at my family.

“I think so. Thank you again for grilling the chicken. It was wonderful.”

He slowly starts to rock us back and forth, a gentle motion that does nothing to calm the nerves racing through my body at his close proximity. “You’re welcome, though I’m sure it wasn’t as good as you would have done.” There’s a twinkle in his eyes as he glances me way. Damn that stupid twinkle and the effect it has on my girly bits and pieces.

I don’t say anything, but stare up at the early night sky. Even though I’m on edge sitting next to Rhenn, I can’t help the contentment that’s also present. Maybe it’s the rocking or the sky full of stars, but something speaks to me in a weird calming manner. Yes, weird because I’m never one to be relaxed or at ease around guys. Even though I’ve dated.

“You’re still going tomorrow, right?” he asks, breaking through the sound of the crackling fire and my family’s laughter. Before I can speak, he adds, “I’ve got Dramamine.”

“I’m not sure. What if it doesn’t work?”

“Then we turn around and come back.” He says it so matter-of-factly.

“What can I bring?” I ask, after a few long seconds of pause.

“Yourself. Your swimsuit. Something comfy to sleep in.” He leans in closer to my ear, his warm breath tickling my lobe. “Unless you sleep in the nude.”

“I don’t,” I reply quickly.
