Can I just stop you right there? Did you catch what I just said?

It’s official. That’s the first time I’ve invited a woman to my boat and offered to sleep in the fucking chair. This just proves my point, my brain isn’t firing on all cylinders at the moment. There’s a huge disconnect, and it’s probably from lack of sex. But something tells me jumping into bed with her right out of the gate, while completely satisfying, would kill the progress I’ve made in whatever this is.

And I still have no clue what the hell this is.

“That still doesn’t seem right, Rhenn. You’re the owner of the boat and you’d be sleeping in a chair.”

Sliding my hands down her sides, I feel her shudder under my touch. “Then maybe you’ll just have to share the other bed with me,” I reply with a low, husky voice. The last thing I want is to scare her off, but sometimes, old Rhenn rears his ugly head and I just can’t hold back on the come-ons.

Marissa stares up at me for a few seconds. It bothers me that I don’t know what she’s thinking. She’s probably about to slap me. That’s what I’d do if I were her. Instead, she throws me completely off balance when she replies, “Maybe I will.”

And just like that, my brain short-circuits and nearly explodes. Unable to speak words (and I’m never one for lacking those, especially in the company of a beautiful woman), I watch as she turns in my arms and reaches for her car door. I take a step back, still trying to process what she said, as she slips inside her car and cranks the engine. Before she starts to back out of the parking spot, the window rolls down. “Dinner’s at five, Rhenn. Be there,” she says before throwing me a wink and backing out of the spot.

I watch her go, still trying to figure out how in the hell I went from kissing her and insinuating we could share a bed, to completely giving her the upper hand. That’s never happened before. Ever. And do you know what?

I fucking love it.