“Ahhh, sweetheart, I really appreciate the offer, but my work schedule just doesn’t allow much free time,” Rhenn replies, grabbing the hands on his chest and gently pushing them off. But don’t think I don’t notice how Staci’s nails try to latch on to the material, like an eagle’s talons on a tree branch.

“Booo! Maybe soon, right?” Staci says, setting her head on his upper arm.

“Maybe,” he says with a shrug, taking a step to the side and right into me. “Sorry,” he mumbles as he automatically reaches out and grabs my arm before I can teeter and topple over.

Our eyes connect, and I wait for the moment where Rhenn blows me off. I mean, it’s not like we’re…anything…but no man in his right mind would ever turn down what Staci’s offering, especially Rhenn. I’m pretty sure Rhenn doesn’t turn down much of anything where women are concerned.

“Actually, Staci, I do have a favor,” he says, keeping his eyes locked on mine.

“Anything!” she bounces on her feet just over his shoulder.

“I’d like to rent out the matted room for an hour tomorrow. Can that be arranged?”

“Of course! I can get you anything you want!” she practically screams, Harper drawing my attention her way when she rolls her eyes so much, I think she can see her own brain.

“Excellent. I have a few moves I want to show Marissa tomorrow. Is ten in the morning okay?”

“Marissa?” Staci asks, her eyes full of shock and, well, more shock.

“Yeah, Marissa. We have a date with the mats,” Rhenn says, turning and offering me a wink. “See you tomorrow at ten, Angel,” he adds as he turns and heads toward the men’s locker room.

I watch him go, frankly, because the view is phenomenal, and because I’m still completely stunned over what just transpired. “Well, looks like we need to get you home to get your beauty sleep. Someone has a date with her electrician turned kick-ass karate instructor at ten in the morning,” Harper singsongs, a too-wide smile on her face.

She grabs my hand and gently tugs me toward the women’s locker room, but not before I catch one last look at the very stunned face of Staci, the spin instructor from hell. I can’t help but feel a little victorious, even though it really wasn’t a competition. Yet, the fact that Rhenn chose to spend a little bit of time with me on the mats instead of Staci brings a small smile to my face and a bubble of hope in my chest. He wants to spend time with me, showing me karate moves. I’ll probably look like an ungraceful idiot the entire time, but I’m surprisingly excited about this new development.

Ha. Take that, Staci!