“When did you find out?”

“Right after the wedding. The honeymoon, actually. She spent the entire flight throwing up. That was our first tip,” Nick says with a chuckle.

“I’m happy for you, man. No one will make a better father than you.” And I mean that.

“Thanks,” he says with a sigh. “I’m nervous. Scared. She’s been through so much, and the last thing I want is for something to happen to her or the baby.”

He’s right. His new wife has been through more shit than anyone can imagine. But even though she lost her fiancé, she survived the heartbreak, and is now married to one of the best guys I know.

“Congrats, friend, and don’t you worry, I’ll take great care of her while you’re away,” I reply with a smirk, and even though he can’t see me, I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively.

“You’re wiggling your eyebrows, aren’t you? Keep your grimy manwhore hands off my pregnant wife, or I’ll have to kill you and toss your body into the ocean. They’ll never find you.”

I can’t help but laugh. I’d never touch my friend’s wife, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy getting him all riled up every now and again. “See you tomorrow.”

“Later,” he replies before disconnecting the phone.

So Nick is going to be a dad, huh? That might be the best thing I’ve heard since Meghan agreed to marry him. He’d loved her before he let his feelings be known, mostly because she was still reeling from the death of her fiancé, Josh.

But now they’re together.


Having a baby.

And the slightest bit of jealousy bubbles to the surface.

He has it all. He was one of the lucky ones. Meghan didn’t fuck him over – or more accurately – fuck his friend. She didn’t try to blame him for their relationship troubles. She didn’t push him straight into a new role in life, complete with different women in his arms every night, dulling the pain the only way he knew how.

He got a good one.

And I got broken.