“Fine, great, wonderful. You?” I ask, offering her a blinding smile.

“I’m good,” she replies, her smile not nearly as forced or fake.

The silence hangs between us for several heartbeats. Finally, I can’t stand it anymore. “So, you and Rhenn, huh?” I ask, trying to act like I don’t care. If the look she gives me is any indication, I already know that I’m failing miserable.

“Me and Rhenn, what?” she asks, her lips turning upward just the slightest.

“Well, you know. You guys met up last night,” I reply, willing myself to stop talking. I really don’t want to know.

“We ran into each other at The Station. Free and I went up for a drink after inventory, and he was there.”

“Nice,” I respond, messing with my socks as if they were bunched up around my ankle.

“Funny thing happened,” she says, shoulder bumping me. “The entire time we visited, I felt like he was a bit distracted.”

“Well, your beauty does that to guys,” I reply with a smile, knowing it’s completely true.

“That’s not it. He was distracted by someone else. Someone who wasn’t there.”

Figures. Leave it to me to be completely attracted to a manwhore with a waitlist a mile long. I don’t reply, just stand up and adjust my shorts. Harper follows suit and towers over me, smiling down at me with a knowing look.

“I could tell something had his attention, and it wasn’t anyone in the bar. And the funniest thing happened when I mentioned you.”

Air stops in my throat, choking me. “Me?”

“Yeah, you. As soon as I mentioned my sister, his eyes seemed to transform. He’s interested,” she says, shrugging her shoulders.

“Well, I’m…not.”

“No?” she asks, following me as I make my way to the door. I have so much more work to do in the house, and I really need to get back to it.

“Of course not. Why would I be?”

“Because he’s gorgeous? Funny? Sexy? And looks at you like you hung the moon?” That makes me stop in my tracks. “What, you don’t think he notices you? I was there for about five seconds and could see it. That man is completely enamored with you.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mumble, pulling open my front door and stepping outside.

“No?” she asks, hurrying behind me and pulling my door closed. “Then I must be reading it all wrong. You’re probably right, I’m sure he’s not interested,” she adds, making me stop and turn toward her.

“I’m pretty sure he’s not.” My voice sounds small and unconvincing, even to my own ears.

“Then it must be someone else he’s staring at, watching from a second floor window right now. It must be someone else’s ass he can’t take his eyes off of. Couldn’t possibly be you, right?” Her smile is victorious and grates on my nerves just a little.

“He is?”

“Oh, he definitely is. It’s probably a good thing we can’t see what’s going on in his mind right now because I’m sure it’s deliciously dirty.”

“You’re bad,” I reply, taking a swat at her arm before turning back to the house.

And because I’m glutton for punishment, I glance up, finding Rhenn exactly where Harper said he was. He’s watching me, and even though I could argue it’s her who has his attention, I know that it’s not. It’s me. He follows my movements from the yard to the house until our line of sight is broken by the tall shrubbery that surrounds the back porch.

I know this because my eyes watch him too.