Chapter Three


Holy Mother of God, he’s beautiful.

Can a man be beautiful?

The answer is yes.

Yes, he most certainly can.

With his long, dark eye lashes that frame the most striking ocean blue eyes, dark blond hair that’s a touch on the tussled side, and tall, solid frame, this man is definitely gorgeous. And don’t get me started on the hint of a tattoo peeking out from the sleeve of his tight T-shirt. He oozes confidence and sexuality just by standing, and I can tell at first glance this man is trouble.

So. Much. Trouble.

“Marissa, this is Rhenn, the electrician,” Mom says, pulling my attention from the stunning creature beside her. The electrician? I have to, like, work with this man all up in my space for the next few weeks?

My head screams, kill me now, while my body starts to do a little celebratory dance. This is bad. Very, very bad.

“Hello,” he says, his voice as smooth as silk. He takes a step toward me, his body moving like it was made for… sex. God! Now I’m thinking about sex! With this man! This stranger!

“Hi,” I reply, though it comes out an awkward squeak. I sound like a chipmunk. Awesome.

“We were just going over the plans for the electrical work. Jensen was supposed to be here to give Rhenn a quick tour,” Mom says, glancing at her watch. My eyes immediately go back to the man standing in front of me. He’s staring at me, his mouth slightly gaped open, and his eyes wide with wonderment.

But then I recall my appearance as I glanced in the bathroom mirror about twenty minutes ago. My hand flies up to my hair, which is piled on top of my head and sticking out in every which direction possible. There are smudges of soot and grime smeared all over my legs, arms, and cheeks. I’m filthy and gross – sweating in places I’ve never experienced before, thanks to the lack of air conditioning. My God, I get why he’s staring at me.

It’s not wonder; it’s disgust.

Mom is talking, but I have no idea what she’s saying – or for how long she’s been speaking, for that matter. I’m stuck, staring at the sexiest man alive, while resembling a homeless person who hasn’t showered in a week.

“…give him a call to see what’s taking him so long,” Mom says, pulling me from the lusty haze surrounding me.

“What?” I ask, turning her way and blinking.

“Are you feeling all right?” she asks, a look of concern on her face as she steps forward and presses the back of her hand on my forehead.

I shake her off. “I’m fine.” I keep my eyes focused on her worried ones, knowing I shouldn’t look at the man beside me, or risk turning into a stumbling idiot once more.

She gives me that Mom look and exhales deeply. “I said I was going to call Jensen to see what’s keeping him,” she repeats, pulling her cell phone from her pocket. I watch as she brings it to her ear and silently steps away when my brother answers the phone.

The air becomes thick and the silence deafening around me, while I wait for my mom to finish up her call. I can sense his eyes on me, feel the weight of his stare, which makes me both nervous and a tad bit giddy.

But mostly nervous.

Heavy on the nervousness.

“Sorry about that,” Mom says when she hangs up the phone. “Ashley called while he was running errands and said Max wasn’t feeling good. Jensen had to go pick him up and will keep him until Ashley gets home from work. He says he’ll stop by later tonight and deliver the supplies he picked up.”

“He can just bring them in the morning. There’s no need for him to make another trip out here,” I state, knowing my brother has been running ragged trying to get everything ready for the work that’s about to start at the bed and breakfast. Plus, his son isn’t feeling well, and he’s needed elsewhere right now.

“Rhenn, I’m sorry, but the tour may have to wait. I’m sure he’ll be able to do it as soon as you get here in the morning,” Mom says. “Unless,” she adds, turning and looking my way, “Marissa wants to go ahead and get it out of the way. She knows this place better than anyone.” Mom smiles proudly at me, and I’ll admit something stirs in my chest. I do know this place better than anyone, maybe even better than her. I’ve lived and breathed our home, our bed and breakfast, for my entire adult life, and even a good chunk of my childhood.

But alone with Rhenn? Giving him a tour when I look like I haven’t slept, showered, or eaten in days?

“I’m not so–” I start, but am cut off when Rhenn speaks up for the first time since our introduction.

“I’d be honored if Marissa would give me a tour.” His grin is inviting, charming even, and something tells me I have yet to discover the true powers of this man’s smile.