Not that I would tell him that.


“I just made it to the bed and breakfast I’m staying at this week. I’m meeting your great aunt at her place at one,” I confirm.

“All right, well, I’ll let you go. I wanted to make sure you made it,” she says right before I hear mumbling through the phone line, and what sounds like kissing.

“Can he not keep it in his pants for five seconds? Tell him you’re on the phone with his sexy best friend,” I grumble lightheartedly.

Meghan laughs. “He says eat shit.”

I smile. “Go make babies on your lunch, you crazy kids. I’m going to grab a shower and get ready to head over to the house.”

“We’ll see you this weekend,” she says.

“Bye, asshole,” Nick hollers into the phone right before the line goes dead.


Shaking my head, I drop my phone onto the bed. I’d never begrudge either of them the happiness they’ve found. After Meghan lost her former fiancé, Josh, it took her a while to come to terms with her budding feelings for my friend. Now, they’re living one of those picture-perfect lives together, and I honestly couldn’t be happier for them.

It’s just not for me.

No picket fences.

No cute little wife waiting for me when I get home.

No fairy-tale ending.

Fairy tales are crap.

They’re a mirage set in place to give off the appearance of happily ever after.

But I know it’s shit.

And why would a man want that when he can have a bit of variety in his life?

Only, variety doesn’t quite hold the appeal it once held. I blame Nick and Meghan and the tearful declarations they made two weeks ago on the beach. Hell, even their exchange caused me to fight off a few unshed tears. I’m man enough to admit it. Their love story is pretty epic, but that doesn’t mean the lifestyle is for me. Even if my original plan doesn’t quite hold the same appeal it once did. Again, I blame the wedding. I haven’t felt the urge to go out since my best friend said “I do.”

What I really need to do is get back on the fucking horse. I need to go out, find a gorgeous female who wouldn’t mind a few hours of uncomplicated, mind-blowing sex, and who knows the score when we’re done. Who understands that I’m walking away after with no intentions of looking back, and believe me, there are plenty of women out there who are willing to jump in bed with someone like me. They’re after one thing: pleasure. And that’s what I offer.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

My plan is set for tonight. I’m sure Mayberry has a few watering holes that single ladies like to frequent. Even on a Tuesday night. If Miss Fun and Run is out there, I’ll find her. It’s kinda like my secret talent.

But first thing’s first. A quick shower to wash off my travels, and then I’ll follow my nose back downstairs to whatever was smelling so fucking good when I arrived. After a bite to eat, I’ll meet the homeowner of the bed and breakfast that requires my services. This job is expected to take several weeks, considering it’s a complete rewire of an old home. A home that’s used as a business.

A few weeks away in this picturesque sleepy little town? Sure, I’ll be working, but that’s never stopped me before from having a little fun on the side. A new location, a chance to do a little sailing, and the prospect of beautiful women accompanying me…

I could get used to this.

* * *

I pull onto the long driveway, surrounded by massive, old oak trees and perfectly trimmed shrubbery. It’s evident, at first glance, that someone takes great care of the property. I steer my truck up the gravel lane and am completely awestruck when I reach the clearing in the trees. There before me is the biggest house I’ve ever seen. With massive white pillars that extend all the way to the roof and a brightly painted front door, I can tell instantly that a lot of time goes into maintaining this place. Even if it could use a fresh coat of paint and updated windows, the owners have clearly taken care of their home to the best of their ability.

I pull off to the side and park along a row of trucks that must belong to the contractors. This place is going to need a lot of work to fix the damage that the fire caused. And not just the fire, but smoke, soot, and water damage too. The Graysons have a massive undertaking here to get this place operational again.