Chapter Two


The drive from my hometown of Jupiter Bay, Virginia to Rockland Falls, North Carolina is only a few hours, but it feels like I’ve been on this particular stretch of road for days. Maybe that has something to do with the lack of sleep I had last night, and I can’t even say it was the enjoyable kind. No, there was no woman warming my bed, as preferred, but another last-minute work emergency that kept me up until about three in the morning. Someone broke into a new house across town, and the result was a rework of their security system. At midnight.

Good times.

But when money is thrown at the boss, he takes it, which is why I was called out shortly after midnight for a job that would normally have been completed during daylight hours.

I crank up the Metallica, letting the heavy metal pulse through my veins and energize me. Well, I guess I can thank the three cups of coffee I’ve consumed since I pulled out of town at eight this morning for that. I’m accustomed to rising early, but this morning had my system all out of whack, thanks to work.

I yawn for the thousandth fucking time as I finally spy the Welcome to Rockland Falls sign. Thank Christ. I could use a big sandwich, a hot shower, and a bed – and I’m not really particular of the order.

My GPS takes me to the heart of the city, with its big, brick storefronts and large town square. There’s a strong Mayberry vibe here, not too dissimilar from my own hometown. The entire block is nothing but festive gardens, large walking paths, park benches, a few gazebos, and in the center, a band shell. It’s large, covered, and shows a bit of wear – probably more so from usage than anything else.

When I reach my destination, I pull along the street, anxious to get out and stretch my legs. A large white house sits before me, with dozens of bright flowerpots and hanging baskets in all shapes and colors. An American flag is perched on one of the white pillars and a welcome mat in front of the front door. I’ve definitely landed right smack-dab in the heart of small-town America.

“You must be Mr. Burleski,” an older woman greets me as she steps out the front door.

“I am, and call me Rhenn, please,” I reply, walking up the steps.

“I’m Janice Clawson, it’s a pleasure to have you stay with us,” she says as she steps forward. I reach out my hand, but she quickly swats it away, resorting to pulling me in for a big hug instead. “My husband is Clyde and he ran to the store. He’ll be back shortly,” she adds, opening the front door and waving me inside.

Without saying a word, I follow the petite older woman into her home. I’ve never stayed at a bed and breakfast before, but from what I’m gathering, Rockland Falls is full of them. Not one hotel for miles. The place is definitely homey, even though I’d consider it a tad on the formal side. Wingback chairs in a floral print and a large matching sofa adorn the living room area, while the dining room is filled with a massive ceremonial table that must seat sixteen. Fresh flowers that match portraits on the walls, rich cherry woodwork, and the scent of freshly baked bread top off the ambiance of my new home away from home for the foreseeable future.

“You’re lucky you came to town this week and not the next. The closer we get to the Memorial Day holiday, the fuller our reservation calendar,” Janice says, approaching a small desk in the main foyer.

“I’m glad you were able to accommodate me on such short notice,” I tell her, trying to recall everything my boss, Craig, said about this trip. He was able to find me a reservation for five nights, but after that, it was a bit more challenging. With the Grayson Bed and Breakfast out of commission for the time being, everything else became completely booked in a matter of hours. Adjustments to schedules had to be made, which is why finding a room for myself in a thirty-mile radius became practically impossible. No one could accommodate me for more than a night, here and there.

That’s when we had to come up with Plan B.

“We’re happy to have you stay with us. All of the information you need is in this pamphlet. Breakfast is served six until nine, lunch from eleven to one-thirty, and dinner is served at six o’clock. The first two meals are buffet-style, while dinner is a wonderful sit-down affair. We hope you’ll be able to join us nightly,” she details, handing me the pamphlet and telling me about my room’s amenities.

“Do you have any questions?” she asks, her bright blue eyes sparkling warmly.

“I don’t think so, Janice.”

“Then I’ll show you to your room. You’re in the Roosevelt room at the top of the stairs, first door on the left.” She chats the entire time we ascend the wide staircase, telling me about the history of their business. It’s all fascinating, really, but all I want is that hot shower, big sandwich, and warm bed. Hell, I’m not even picky on the warm bed part. I could probably sleep for days in one of those stiff wingback chairs.

But a decent nap isn’t on my schedule yet.

I have an appointment at one with the homeowner of the bed and breakfast I’m here to work on. The favor I’m doing for a friend and his family, even though I’m being paid for the job. It took a bit of workload juggling to make this happen, but that’s okay. I would have done it again in a heartbeat for my friend, Nick, and his new wife, Meghan.

Speaking of…

My phone starts to ring in my pocket, and I smile the moment I see his name on the screen.

“I’ll let you get settled,” Janice says with a wave as she retreats from the room, securing the door on her way out.

“Aren’t you supposed to be balls deep in the only woman you ever get to screw for the rest of your life? Why the fuck are you calling me? Can’t keep it up?” I tease in way of greeting to the man who has been my closest friend since grade school.

“Actually, he has no problem whatsoever getting it up. It’s up…quite a bit, actually, and I just finished taking advantage of him. He’s resting.” Her soft voice filters through the phone, making me bark out a laugh.

“Sorry, Meg. I thought it was my ugly friend calling.”

Her laughter fills the phone line. “He’s actually finishing up with a patient. We’re going to lunch soon, but I thought I’d call to make sure you arrived,” Meghan says.

Nick and Meghan were married almost two weeks ago, and after a week-long honeymoon in Hawaii, are just now getting back into the swing of things as husband and wife. And co-workers, actually, though they’ve been that for many years. My friend is a dentist and his new bride his hygienist. What started out as friends turned into much more. To be honest, I saw this day coming for quite a while. Even though they were both in denial of their feelings, I could tell that my friend was completely smitten by his employee. Even though I love to rib on him for attaching the old ball and chain, I’m slightly envious of their relationship.