Everyone is silent as Orval takes a step forward, then another, until he’s standing directly in front of Samuel. “It’s a strong name, a good name. Even if he was a stubborn jackass,” Orval says boldly before a warm smile spreads across his face. We all chuckle at his comment, at the way he breaks the unspoken tension. Well, everyone but Samuel, who rarely laughs.

“I’m honored to be named after my grandfather,” Samuel states, his shoulders square and his eyes on our uncle.

“Yes, well, I’m happy someone is,” Orval grumbles before reaching out and shaking his oldest nephew’s hand. Samuel watches with a cautious eye, but eventually puts his hand into Orval’s and shakes.

“Mom, we’re not going to be able to get in tonight, and probably not for a few days. They have to conduct an investigation,” Jensen says, bringing our attention back to the reason for our impromptu family reunion.

“Oh. Of course,” Mom says, turning and looking at the house.

“Why don’t you come stay with me?” Harper says, wrapping an arm around Mom’s shoulder and pulling her in for a hug.

“Umm,” Mom starts, glancing over at her brother and sister-in-law.

“I have two guest rooms. You can all stay with me,” Samuel offers.

“What about Marissa?” Jensen asks, all eyes turning my way.

“I’ll just stay at my place,” I say, my voice still a bit shaky from emotion.

“I don’t think they’ll let you yet, Riss. Not until the investigation is finished,” Jensen says, insinuating that I might not be able to go back to my own home tonight. Not until they rule out arson.

“Do you really think so? The fire didn’t touch the back cottage, did it?” Mom asks, giving her full attention to me.

“No, it didn’t,” I confirm.

“I’ll go find out,” Samuel offers, turning and walking toward the fire chief.

Conversation happens around me, but I’m unable to focus on anything other than the mess in front of me. The house is being cleared out, but the damage remains. What they’ll find from their investigation is beyond me, but I know it wasn’t arson. It couldn’t be. Everyone loves this house, and no one would ever think to cause damage, especially when there are guests inside.

“It’s as we thought. Riss, you won’t be able to stay in the cottage until after the fire marshal and insurance adjustor finish their investigations. He said he could arrange for someone to accompany you inside so you could gather some of your personal belongings such as clothes, but nothing else. Mom, unfortunately, you can’t go inside the house for any of yours. Not until it has been cleared,” Samuel confirms.

“Since Mom, Emma, and Orval are staying with Samuel, you can stay with me,” Harper offers, a sad smile crossing her beautiful face. Unable to speak, I nod my head in agreement.

About thirty minutes later, Jensen is loading my bag into the back of Harper’s car. A few items of clothing and some of my toiletries was all I was allowed to take, but at least it’s something. There’s no way I could fit into my sister’s clothes – not by a long shot. Our height difference alone would make that practically impossible, let alone her subtle curves and leaner frame. Throw in our hair colors (her red to my blonde), and we’re as different as night and day.

“I’m not sure I could sleep yet, and I’m dying to find out what happened,” Mom says, her attention focused on the house.

“Let’s all go back to my place. We can all fill you in before trying to sleep,” Samuel suggests, then turns and looks to me for confirmation.

“That’s fine. I’m not sure I could sleep either,” I add, my voice sounding distant and hollow.

I climb into my sister’s car, and glance back at the now-empty house. Everything is in that place: my heart and soul, my passion, my financial stability. We slowly make our way down the lane, the house fading and eventually disappearing from sight. As we head toward Samuel’s house, I try to close my eyes, but all I can see is the spark. All I can hear is the zap of electricity. All I can smell is the burnt plastic and molten wiring.

It’s going to be a long night.

One I’ll never forget.