Longing for the Marissa who walked into the room, I step forward and place my finger on her chin. Without any quick movements, I raise her head and find sadness in her green eyes. This very look steals my breath and rocks me down to my core.

“Hey, you ready?” I ask, shooting for light and easy, but fearing I come across a bit too aloof.

“Yes, of course,” she replies with a fake smile that I recognize immediately. “I don’t want to keep you too long. You have other plans,” she adds with a friendly punch to my arm. A fucking punch, like friends shooting the shit.

We might be friends, but the things I’m envisioning doing to her are anything but friendly.

Dirty. Erotic. Fan-fucking-tastic. That’s what I’d describe all of the things I want to do. With her. To her.

Fuck, now I’m hard.

Locking my gaze on hers, I say the words that I know she needs to hear – the words I need to say. “I don’t have any other plans except the ones I made with you.” I make sure to put as much conviction as I can behind them, knowing that for some reason, this woman feels like she’s so easily dismissed. Second-best.

I fucking hate it.

Determined to put her mind at ease, I step over to the bench and drop my bag. I’m already dressed for our private lesson, so there’s nothing I need to get ready for our first class. “Usually, I’d have my Karate Gi, but I didn’t think I’d need to bring it with me. This isn’t a formal class, just a friend teaching a friend how to defend herself.”

When I turn around, her eyes are staring at my legs. At first, I think they’re just cast downward because of what happened earlier with Staci, but I realize quickly that’s not the case. Her green eyes are wide, her pupils dilated, and a look I’m all too familiar with crosses her face. It’s desire. Hunger. Longing.

My dick twitches in my pants, a reminder of how badly I want this woman, and considering the fact I’m about to have my hands all over her, I think it’s safe to say she’ll be well aware of that tidbit of information very quickly.

“Ready?” I ask, my own voice a little shaky and husky.

“I think so,” she replies, her eyes meeting mine, filled with excitement and anxiety.

“We’ll start easy. There are a few moves every woman should know. They’re simple ways to immobilize an assailant, hopefully giving you the precious seconds you’d need to get away,” I say, standing directly in front of her. She’s so fucking small compared to me. I swear I’m about a foot taller, and much broader than her petite body.

“This first move is the open hand strike. Use the heel of your hand to strike your assailant’s most sensitive areas,” I state, grabbing her hand and showing her the move. I bring it up to my face. “Eyes, nose, mouth, or neck.” She demonstrates the motion without connecting with my face, and practices the move a few times before offering me a warm smile.

That smile goes straight to my heart, which is pounding so hard I think even the weightlifters can hear it in the main part of the gym over the heavy metal bass pumping through their earbuds. “Good, now for this next one, you use your elbow. If needed, it could help buy you some precious seconds when dealing with an attacker. Use it to strike the face, neck, or stomach as hard as you can,” I tell her, demonstrating a few hard elbow thrusts.

Marissa repeats the move, her elbow gently connecting with my stomach. “Sorry,” she says, turning quickly, her wide eyes full of concern.

“You’re fine. You didn’t hurt me,” I assure, moving so that she faces me. “Now, this one is important. Knee to the groin. Painful as fuck and will drop a man faster than you can say freedom.”

She offers me a shy smile before dropping her eyes downward. My dick – as if it knows she’s looking at him – starts to wave hello from my shorts. “Should we practice?” she asks, a teasing glint in her sparkly eyes.

“Definitely not. I’ve taken a few shots in my day, and it’s not something I’m looking to repeat anytime soon.”

“You have?” she asks, shocked.

“I have,” I confirm. “One of the students I was working with got a little carried away. He hauled off and punch me square in the nads.”

“During practice?” she asks, her eyes dropping to my shorts once more. I just pray my cock isn’t standing at complete attention at this moment.

Rubbing the back of my neck, I feel a slight blush creep in. Yep, I actually fucking blush. “Uhhh, no. I was sneaking out of his mom’s bedroom.”

Realization sets in and Marissa begins to blush as well. “Oh.”

“Yeah, not one of my finest moments,” I confirm, looking to get this lesson back on track. And quick. “Why don’t we try a few situations? You can practice your new moves.”

“All but the blow to the balls?” she teases.

All I heard was blow and balls.

“Yeah, without that.” Turning around, I will my cock into submission. The last thing I need is to walk up with a hard-on and scare her off. We’re supposed to be working on self-defense, not scarring her for life because her instructor is thinking about nothing else but banging her.

“What do I do?” she asks, jumping a little when I suddenly advance. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull her toward the center of the mat.