I freeze.

Sawyer freezes.

We both stare at each other with fear in our eyes, neither of us too embarrassed to admit it.

“What’d you do?” he whispers, glancing down as small arms start to flail. His small mouth opens in rage, but the sound coming out is clearly that of a very pissed off adult. How can something so tiny be so loud?

“I didn’t do anything,” I gasp, rocking a little harder, completely afraid to move. “He started that on his own.”

“He’s probably hungry already,” Lexi says, coming over to retrieve the screaming infant from my arms. I miss him the moment he’s gone, but that doesn’t stop the huge sigh of relief that sweeps through me when he’s safely secured in his mom’s arms.

“That was terrifying,” Sawyer mumbles.

“No shit. I thought I broke him,” I say, leaning back in my chair and closing my eyes.

“Are you hungry?” he asks.

“I couldn’t possibly eat after that,” I confess.

“Okay, but the pizza’s getting cold.”

Instantly, I perk up. “Well, maybe just a slice or two,” I reply, jumping up and heading over to the pizza table.

Abby and Meghan are there, opening up fresh pizza boxes and removing the empties. Thank God I ordered enough to feed the guys too. Actually, thank God Sawyer told me to order two extras because the guys might be hungry too. I think he pretty much knew that our sisters’ night was going to be transformed into sisters and significant others night.

While Lexi is across the room, privately feeding Hemi, I offer everyone a beer. Linkin opts for a water (also thank God for Sawyer who grabbed several cold bottles), as does Levi, who has to work later tonight. I grab the case of Michelob Ultra and head over to my sisters. Abby takes one, but makes a face, and Meghan’s already on her second. I approach Payton and Jaime next.

“Here,” I say, holding a cold can out to Payton.

“Oh, uh…” she says, glancing around the room. “I’m not drinking tonight.”

“Oh my God, are you pregnant?” I holler, completely drawing everyone’s attention to our oldest sister.

“No!” she exclaims and her cheeks blush. “I’m not,” she confirms as Dean, who’s now holding Hudson, joins her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. He’s so natural with the baby in his arms and isn’t a big chicken to move around like me. “We’re not, but we’ve started Clomid to stimulate ovulation and possibly increase our chances of fertility, so I’m just taking it easy on the alcohol right now.” She shrugs her shoulder, but I can see the nervousness and the excitement in her eyes as they take this step toward conceiving.

“You guys,” Abby says, tears filling her eyes. “That’s so great.”

“Here.” I hand the can in my hand to Jaime, who shakes her head.

“Can’t. I am pregnant.” Her words stop me, and everyone else, in our tracks.

“You are?” I squeal, setting the can on the table and wrapping my older sister in a big hug. More arms wrap around us as my sisters all join the hug.

“I can’t hug! I have a little feeding machine attached to my boob,” Lexi cries from across the room.

“We’ll catch you on the next one,” I tell our baby sister, not really wanting to be over there while she’s feeding her infant son. And no, I’m not against breastfeeding, but it’s just…personal.

The guys all congratulate Ryan with guy hugs and back slaps, and there’s no missing the proud smile on his face that makes my own face break out in a blinding grin.

“We weren’t even trying,” Jaime confirms. “It was a total surprise.”

“That’s because I have super sperm,” Ryan hollers, earning an eye roll from his wife.

“They have one job to do, babe. It’s not brain surgery,” she sasses as he wraps his arms around her and pulls her in for a deep kiss.

“Super sperm,” he whispers against her lips, her arms circling his neck.

My eyes find Sawyer, who’s watching me intently. He gives me a look that seems indecent and makes me feel naked; it’s hunger and desire crashing together like our bodies do at night. Suddenly, I’m ready to leave our sisters’ night in favor of bedroom Olympics with a certain PE teacher who makes me so hot that my sisters could get sunburned if they look too long.