“Ready,” she confirms as we turn and head to the gate.

This day is turning out to be pretty fucking great.

* * *

“Are you blind?! What kinda call was that?” AJ hollers at the ump behind home plate while the crowd around us boos and screams their frustration at the horrible call.

“Dude, your girl is vicious. Remind me not to get on her bad side,” Dylan mumbles to me as we watch AJ rant at the umpire.

“No shit,” I reply, shocked that such harsh words just came from my sweet little schoolteacher’s mouth. “It’s kinda hot, though.”

“Definitely,” my brother replies quietly. “Did you see how many hotdogs she ate?”

“More than you.”

“More than you and me combined, bro. A woman who looks like that, talks like a sailor, and can hold her own in a hotdog eating contest? Marry her, dude.”

I snort in reply, merely because I’m afraid if I open up my mouth right now, I might actually propose. If I was falling in love with this woman before today, well, seeing her in my element, trash talking, and burping warm beer has pretty much sealed the deal for me. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’ve fallen head over heels in love with AJ Summer.

“Can you believe that call? What kinda horseshit is that? A blind monkey humping a football could have seen the tag! He was out by a mile,” she seethes, her eyes burning with fire and passion.

“I saw,” I tell her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her into my side. “Horrible call.”

“The worst,” she grumbles.

“You’re scaring the big burly guys behind us, honey,” I tease.

She glances over her shoulder at my words. “You mean Bill and Tom? Shit, who do you think taught me those bad words?” she asks, making me laugh. “They really appreciated the autographs, though,” she adds. As soon as the Rangers fans sat down behind us before the game started, they recognized me and started chatting. I signed a few autographs for them and a handful for others in the vicinity.

“Want anything to drink?” I ask, needing to stretch my legs. Watching the game is making me twitchy.

“Sprite. Oh, and nachos.” Her eyes light up like the Fourth of July.

“How could you still be hungry?” I ask, astonished.

“Well, I do recall a certain baseball player helping me work up an appetite this morning,” she whispers against my ear, making my cock jump.

“Ahhh, yes, the workout,” I recall happily, thinking back to how she surprised me in my home gym this morning while I was working out. I don’t think that weight bench has ever seen so much action.

“I can hear you,” Dylan grumbles. “And I could hear you this morning too. Next time, don’t put your gym right next to the guest room, dick.”

AJ blushes a beautiful shade of pink, very close to the same color of her ass this morning after I spanked it, in fact. I pull her into my chest and press a hard kiss on her lips. “You want anything?” I ask my nuisance of a brother.


“Be right back,” I tell them before slipping out of the row and heading up the stairs.

Since it’s in the middle of the sixth, the lines aren’t too long at the concession stands. After a quick detour to the head, I hop in line at the closest food vendor. My mind wanders back to the moment we entered the stadium this afternoon. AJ could sense my anxiety, could probably feel the tension radiating from my body. But as I rounded the corner and walked out into the seating area, it didn’t hurt as bad as I thought it would.

Yeah, I wanted to be out there playing ball with my team, but it felt different being here this time. Like I could sense that it was really over. And more importantly, that I was okay with it.

The guys were warming up on the field as I made my way down to our seats, just to the left of the dugout. My favorite batting coach saw me first, and quickly drew the attention of the rest of the team. Even the douchebag who replaced me at third base (and in my bed by screwing my wife) came over to say hello. He’s lucky I didn’t punch him in the fucking throat when he tried to extend a hand (which I pretended not to see).

I introduced everyone to AJ and reintroduced them to Dylan, whom most of them have met over the years. A few of the guys asked me about teaching and coaching, wondering if I was ready to make a return to the game like Michael Jordan. I just gave them a smile, not confirming or denying anything. I’ve gotten pretty damn good at deflection over the years.

And I got to see Joel again. He made sure to hit on AJ and invited her back to his hotel room after the game. Cocksucker. He also pulled me into a hug and told me he was glad to see me smile again. Leave it to Joel to not pull any punches.

“I see you brought the flavor of the week.” The voice is all too familiar and makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.