A man who takes your mind off your troubles with the promise of oral is a keeper, ladies.

It’s near eight when headlights shine through the front windows. I jump up off the couch, Sawyer giving me a look like I’ve lost my mind, and stand there waiting for him to go to the door. He’s smiling as he slowly (my God, how long does it take one man to get up off the couch?) gets up and wraps his arms around me.

“Settle down, baby. He’s gonna love you,” he whispers before placing a kiss in the middle of my forehead.

“I can’t believe how nervous I am. Can you imagine how neurotic I’d be if I ever meet your parents?” I ask, a weird humorless laugh coming from my throat.

“When, sweetheart. When you meet my parents, and they’ll love you too. They will all see the amazing woman I see every day.” Again, I get another kiss, but this one on my lips. “Let’s go.”

Sawyer pulls me to the front of the house and opens the door. I’m practically dancing in place as a man gets out of his car and gives us a wave. He pulls a small suitcase from the back seat before walking our way.

As he approaches, he completely walks around his brother and pulls me into a big hug. “My God, he didn’t mention you were this beautiful. How about we blow this Popsicle stand and you forget all about the has-been baseball player. I’m the better Randall anyway.” And then he waggles his eyebrows suggestively and gives me the biggest smile possible.

“Dude, you’re fucking married,” Sawyer groans, pushing his brother off me.


“She’s pregnant,” big brother grumbles to the younger one.

“I’m not even sure it’s my kid!” he protests wildly, clearly joking. I’m practically rolling on the ground laughing, and all of the nerves I was feeling before just float away.

“I’m telling her you said that,” Sawyer replies, crossing his arms over his chest.

Dylan gasps. “You wouldn’t dare! She’ll kick my ass all the way to Charlottesville and back.”

“Oh, I would, and you know it. Keep your hands to yourself, Sir Grabs-a-Lot,” Sawyer directs, wrapping one arm around my shoulders and pulling me in close.

“You’re just mad I got the brains and the beauty. All you got was some measly ability to swing a bat. It will take you nowhere in life, son.”

Sawyer laughs as he pulls his brother into a hug. “Don’t forget about my stellar rap skills.”

“How could I? For years, you insisted I call you Sir Mix-a-Lot.”

“It was a week, and I was nine.”

“Nineteen, maybe,” Dylan says before turning his attention to me. “Seriously, it’s great to finally meet you, AJ. If my brother is ever stupid enough to let you go again, you call me. I’d be happy to slap more sense into him.” My eyebrows quirk together and I glance at Sawyer. He called his brother? I’d say by the way he gives me a shy little grin and shrugs his shoulders that his brother’s words were true.

“Are you hungry? It’s a little late for the football game, so we thought we’d run to town and get a pizza,” Sawyer says as he holds the front door open for us.

“Starving. I gotta call my girl first before we head out, though,” Dylan says, carrying his bag up the stairs.

“Second door on the left,” Sawyer hollers after him.

“Is that as far away from your room as I can get? I forgot earbuds and we don’t need any repeats of college,” he throws over his shoulder before disappearing into the guest room.

“I think he was adopted,” Sawyer grumbles.

“I think he’s great,” I tell him, wrapping my arms around his waist. “He clearly loves you.”

“If you would have seen us back in the day, you may not say that. We fought all the time. It wasn’t pretty.”

“Don’t all siblings? I have two older sisters and three younger ones. Drama and bickering were key ingredients in our household.”

Sawyer nuzzles my neck with his nose, his hands sliding dangerously close to the waistband of my shorts. It wouldn’t take much to slip his hands into my panties. I mean, if that were appropriate to do while in the presence of your boyfriend’s younger brother.

“You sure you don’t mind him tagging along Sunday?” he asks a second time. I’m not sure if he thinks I’m going to change my mind or if I don’t really want him to go with us. It’s neither. I’m actually really excited to go to the Rangers’ game in DC on Sunday, and don’t have a problem sharing my time with Dylan.

When he invited me along Thursday night, he mentioned that his brother wanted to go. Sawyer’s old teammate is getting us tickets, which will be my first professional game. He’s also very eager to introduce me to some of the guys he played with, a fact that makes me smile just a little bit more.