“No shit,” she grumbles with a humorless chuckle.

“So then he comes down and asks me to go to the kitchen. They were in his foyer for like ten minutes by themselves. I didn’t even eavesdrop, Meggy, can you believe it? I stayed put and finished cooking our dinner.

“When I realized it was silent, I went looking for him. He was in his room, a far-off look on his face. I asked him to come down for dinner and he said he wasn’t hungry. Then suggested I go to the hospital by myself.”

She gives me a questioning look. “That’s it? He didn’t say why?”

Shaking my head, I confirm, “Not at all. I wanted to push, to ask why he was suddenly distant, but I could tell he didn’t want to talk about it. Something happened and maybe he just needs to work it out for himself.” I glance back in the room and notice the new parents making their way toward the bassinets.

“Could be. Do you think he’ll call you?” she finally asks. Isn’t that the million-dollar question?

“I don’t know, Meggy. Everything was fine before she showed up. Then after she left, he completely shut me out. I hope he calls, but I’m not sure he will. It was like he already checked out.”

“Well, give him a little time, and definitely don’t give up on him. He seemed great the few times I’ve been around him, and the guys love him.”

“I kinda have a soft spot for him too,” I confess.

“I bet. He’s pretty easy on the eyes,” she adds, bumping my shoulder with her own.

I laugh. “Easy, Grandma, or you’ll pop a lady boner in the middle of the NICU.”

“Shut up,” she laughs, hitting my arm before wrapping her arms around me. “I love you, AJ.”

“I love you too, Meggy.”

After a few minutes of silence and watching Lexi and Linkin try to tear themselves away from the babies, she finally says, “You know we’re the only two single ones left.” I nod instead of answering with words. “But do you know what? It’s not meant to be, like you seem to think. You may have found some of the duds in this world, but that’s not your destiny. You’re going to have a wonderful life, filled with love and laughter.”

“You think?” I ask, my eyes filling up with tears.

“I know it,” she responds, her own eyes glistening with moisture.

“You know, there’s love and laughter in your future too, right?”

She sighs and looks back as Linkin wraps his arms around a crying Lexi. She wants to stay with the babies, but it’s time for them to go. “Maybe I had my chance, AJ. Maybe my forever has already passed me by.”

“I don’t believe that for a second and you shouldn’t either. I know it’s hard now to look too far into the future, but you don’t have to look that far. Just take it day by day and when the time is right, you’ll have everything you’ve ever dreamed of. I promise.”

Meghan doesn’t reply, but I can tell she heard me. The tears welling in her eyes leak down her face and fall onto the floor. I couldn’t possibly fathom what she’s going through. Since Josh died, she just sort of stopped. She’s going through the motions, but she’s not living. Oh, she puts on a good show, but I see a lot of the smoke and mirrors she uses to hide her pain.

Someday. She’ll get there someday.

I know it.

* * *

“They look nothing alike. Are you sure they have the same father?” Grandma asks Lexi, stunning the entire room silent.

“Grandma!” Lexi charges, her face turning red.

“What? I’m just asking. This is a no-judge zone, Lexi Lou, so if you have any of those confession time things like Abby and Levi, it’s okay to say it. Get it out,” she says, waving her hands around encouragingly.

“Woman, you’re about to be booted from this room on your ass,” Linkin thunders behind her, clearly having heard her comment.

“Oh, don’t get all bent out of shape, big guy. I was just asking. I read an article about a woman who had sex with two different men within twenty-four hours. She was pregnant with twins, and when they arrived one was black and the other white.” We all just stare, completely stunned by her story.

“Really?” Abby asks, dumbfounded.

“True story. It was on the Internet and you know they don’t lie there. Right, Orvie?” Grandma asks her husband.