Chapter Seventeen


It’s three in the afternoon before I finally rouse from a very deep sleep. My entire body is fatigued and sore, even after stealing about six hours of sleeping like the dead.

My new nephews came screaming into the world shortly after six this morning. When Linkin came bursting into the waiting room around seven, a proud smile and tearful glint in his eyes, he couldn’t contain his excitement to share his news.

Hudson Brian and Hemi James Stone arrived in the same chaotic fashion that preceded their delivery. Hudson arrived first, five whole minutes before his brother. He weighed in at four pounds and seven ounces, started screaming the moment he hit fresh air, and is named after one of his father’s favorite classic cars, the Hudson Hornet.

Hemi, however, caused his parents a little more worry. Hemi wasn’t breathing the best when he came out and had to be taken right away to the NICU, where he has been on a high-flow nasal cannula to help with his oxygen support. Little Hemi, named after another of his dad’s favorite cars, the Hemi Cuda, was a bit smaller than his brother, weighing in at four pounds, one ounce. Both boys are now in the NICU, where they were both given IV fluids for a short time until they are ready to start eating.

It was hard to leave the hospital this morning, mainly because of not meeting them, but it was necessary. We were all equally tired after spending the night in the waiting room, especially after the adrenaline of their quick unofficial nuptials wore off. Lexi and Linkin were both exhausted and needing to rest, and then would be heading to the NICU to be with their sons.

I’ll be going to the hospital later this afternoon to meet them, as long as everything is still going well and they’re moved to the regular nursery.

I’m tangled up with a very naked, still sleeping Sawyer Randall. I’d love to reach down right now and grab his pretty impressive bat and take it for a few swings, but I’m in need of a little caffeine to get me through the rest of this day.

Gingerly, I slither out of his arms and make my way to my overnight bag. Glancing in the mirror, I’m stunned at my reflection. I look like a hooker after an all-night penthouse party in Vegas. Quietly, I slip into the bathroom for a little damage control. I don’t need to look pretty to go get coffee, but I do need to not smell.

I jump in his shower and make quick work of washing all of my bits and pieces, including scrubbing away the raccoon eyes. A smile crests my lips as the scent of Sawyer’s shampoo surrounds me. Is it weird that I’m excited to smell like a man? And not just any man, but this man, who smells like expensive rich soap and musky shampoo.

After the world’s fastest shower, I slip on clean shorts and a fitted tee, pull my hair up in a wet, messy bun, and brush my teeth. That’ll do. I don’t need makeup, right? Not if it’s gonna keep me from getting coffee into my lethargic system.

Opening the door, I tiptoe toward the bedroom door. I don’t even make it halfway there when I hear, “Going somewhere?” Sawyer is still lying in bed, his head under his arm, which just gives me the perfect view to ogle his arms and back. I almost have to fan myself. “Stop staring at me from across the room and get back in bed.”

“I was going to get coffee.”

“I think you should take off your shirt,” he refutes.

“What’s wrong with my shirt?” I ask, glancing down at the Dierks Bentley concert tee from last summer.

“Nothing,” he says, turning and looking over his shoulder at me. His hair is a mess, which just begs for my fingers, and his eyes have a hungry, half-lidded appearance, which reminds me of sex. “It looks great on you, but I think it would look much better on the floor.”

“You do, do you?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. Sawyer rolls over and is pitching a tent with the sheet, which almost makes me forget about my need for caffeine.

“Definitely,” he whispers, hoarsely from sleep. “I think you should get back in bed.”

“I will once I get back from the bakery,” I reply, throwing him a wink before turning back to the door.

I hear the shifting of the covers and his feet hit the floor as I step from the room. He’s right behind me, I can feel it. Before I reach the landing at the top of the stairs, his big, strong arms snake around my waist and pull me back against his hard body.

And his very hard cock.

“Not so fast,” he growls against my ear. “You were going to leave without giving me a goodbye kiss.” Sawyer licks the shell of my ear before sucking it into his mouth. My entire body sparks to life, my blood pulsing through my veins.

“I would never,” I retort, slowly turning in his arms and wrapping my arms around his neck.

“I think you lie. You were going to sneak out of my house without a kiss, and therefore, I think you need to be punished.”

“Punished?” I gasp as he grips my ass hard in both hands, warm wetness flooding the apex of my legs.

“Do you like that?” Sawyer squeezes my rear once more before sliding his hands around and dipping one in the front of my shorts. I practically convulse when his warm fingers meet my wet core. “Oh, I think you do like that.”

Next thing I know, the offending shirt is being removed from my body, tossed over the banister, while my fingers grip his shaft. “Fuck,” he groans as I fist his erection and pump fast and hard.

“That’s the plan,” I whisper, my inner seductress taking over.

Sawyer lets me lead for a few moments as I drop to my knees. His cock jets from his body like a neon sign, the smooth skin pulled tight. My mouth is watering and I know exactly what I need to do; what I’ve wanted to do since the moment I first saw him.