Chapter Fourteen


I can’t breathe.

I’m not talking about the strenuous exercise that makes you want to hurl your guts up and steals the very breath you breathe. I’m talking about the sheer magnitude of this moment. This woman. She takes my breath and my sanity in a way that has never happened before. Even with my ex.

My lips seem to always want to touch her skin, which is exactly what I’m doing right now. Trailing gentle kisses up and down her neck before I make my way to her lips. My hands caress her hips and outer thighs, her legs are still wrapped firmly around my body. If I could stay right here, just like this with her legs around me and my cock buried inside her sweet pussy, I’d be the happiest motherfucker in the world.

I was rough. Much rougher than I’ve ever been before, especially with someone I take to bed (or the floor) for the first time. But she didn’t seem to mind. In fact, it seemed to light her fire. I think my sexy little math teacher likes it rough and dirty.

Nuzzling my nose along her ear, I slide to my back, landing on something sharp. “Ouch,” I bite out, turning to see what I’ve landed on.

“Holy shit,” AJ says, drawing my attention to her face. She’s staring wide-eyed at my living room, her mouth hanging open. It makes me want to do naughty things to that sexy little mouth.

I finally glance at what she’s looking at.

And that’s when I see it.

My living room is trashed.

Like a tornado swept through my house, tearing apart my belongings and discarding them haphazardly.

“What the hell?” I mumble, taking in the upturned coffee table and the scattered magazines.

“Did we do this?” she gasps, her eyes settling on the broken picture that used to be hanging on my wall.

Carefully, I hop up and absorb the full impact of the living room destruction. My television is on the floor, clearly no longer positioned on the entertainment center. The few knick-knacky things I brought from my old house lay smashed and broken in pieces. My lamp won’t be shedding light on the room anymore.

It looks like I’ve been robbed or survived some sort of natural disaster.

Tornado AJ.

Hurricane Ali.

That thought makes me smile.

Sex with this woman was so intense and passionate that we tore apart my fucking living room and didn’t even have a clue that it was happening.

Suddenly, I’m laughing. AJ glances at me as if I’ve lost my mind, and maybe I have. Anyone else would probably freak at the financial loss, but I don’t give a shit. It was worth it.

“Looks like I’m calling a cleaning service in the morning,” I chuckle, wrapping my arm around her shoulder, pulling her back to my front, and nuzzling her neck.

“I can’t believe we did this,” she mumbles before leaning back into my embrace.

“I can. I knew our first time would be explosive.”

“Explosive, yes. Destructive, no.”

“It’s kinda funny, actually,” I tell her, leaning down and kissing the sensitive skin behind her ear. A shutter sweeps through her naked body, her sweet ass pressing into my cock, causing it to stir to life once more.

“Your TV,” she complains, taking in the cracked screen and the odd angle it leans against the stand and the floor.

“I can buy a new one,” I insist. In one swift motion, I bend down, slide one arm behind her back and the other beneath her knees, and pick her up. She’s in my arms (where she suddenly feels like she has always belonged) as I carefully step out of the room.

“You don’t have to carry me,” she says as I approach the stairs.

“I like carrying you,” I tell her honestly as I make my way into the bathroom.