Thirty, twenty, ten yards to go.

He dodges one final defender and dives for the end zone.


The crowd goes crazy as the Eagles secure a homecoming victory. We all jump up, popcorn flying through the air, screaming and cheering for the home team. Large, warm arms wrap around my waist moments before I’m pulled into a rock hard chest. I don’t even care that it’s like walking into a brick wall. All I know is that Sawyer’s arms are hugging me in celebration.

Or anticipation.

Maybe he realizes that the end of the game means the beginning of the rest of our night. I mean, I pretty much already agreed to go home with him yesterday in his office. Perhaps he’s anxious to get to phase two of our second date: the bedroom.

However, when I look up, I don’t see the anticipated hunger in his eyes. I see happiness. It’s like he’s truly ecstatic for the boys on the field. And that would make complete sense because he’s an athlete. He appreciates each win and the hard work that goes into achieving them.

“Well, Grandpa promised me naked ring toss, so we’re going to head out,” she says easily as she gathers up their garbage.

Sawyer glances down at me with so many questions in his eyes, and as much as I’d love to explain it to him, I just can’t. It’s my grandparents. And I’m pretty sure naked ring toss isn’t a round of the traditional ring toss you may have played at birthday parties. So I shake my head and pray that he doesn’t bring it up later.

“Be careful going home,” I state, offering my hand as we make our way toward the steps on the bleachers.

Grandma links her hand with Grandpa’s and together they descend the steps until they reach the bottom. They’ve always been an overly affectionate couple, but the sight of them tonight, with their warm embrace and adoration for each other in their eyes, makes my heart flutter in my chest. I want what they have; I just haven’t been looking for it in the right place.

“Ready?” Sawyer asks, dropping the remnants of our trash into the garbage and placing his hand on my lower back. The butterflies in my stomach take flight as we slowly walk with the masses to the exit.

“Hey, Mr. R,” we hear behind us. Turning, there’s a small group of boys from our school, all with starry, wide eyes and eager grins.

“Hey, boys. Having fun tonight?” Sawyer asks, giving his full attention to five of his students.

“Awesome! My big brother scored the winning touchdown,” Hunter boasts.

“That’s great, Hunter. The entire team played well together and stayed focused. Solid win,” Sawyer says.

“Yeah. I can’t wait to start open gym and weight lifting for baseball,” one of the other boys, Connor, adds.

“It’ll be baseball season before we know it,” Sawyer agrees.

“Well, we gotta catch up with my mom. See ya Monday, Mr. R. You too, Miss S,” Hunter declares, turning and heading the opposite direction as us. We both wave at the boys as they walk away, recounting details of tonight’s big game.

There’s a buzz in the air around us as we walk down the sidewalk to our cars. I’d like the think it’s because of the Eagles’ win tonight, but something tells me I would be wrong. The air is thick with anticipation and eagerness, and my back starts to tingle where his hand gently rests. It makes me want to push back against his touch, to get even closer.

“This you?” he asks, pointing to the car I was about to walk right by.

See? When he touches me, my brain doesn’t function properly.

“Yep,” I reply, thankful that it’s dark enough that he can’t see the blush that’s surely creeping up my neck.

“I’m just a few cars down.” Sawyer steps closer, but not too close. Residents are still milling around and chatting, making their way to their own vehicles. “Did you bring a bag? I don’t want to just assume that we’re still on for this evening,” he whispers, maintaining eye contact.

“I believe I was told on our first date that sex wasn’t appropriate, but that all bets were off on the second date.”

“I believe I did say that,” he quips, a small smile playing on his lips.

“I believe this is the second date.”

“I believe you are correct.”

Stepping closer until my chest is pressed against his, I whisper, “Then, I believe you owe me sex.”

Sawyer’s eyes turn molten as they drop to my lips. To punctuate my point, I lick my lips, making sure they’re ready for what happens next. But after several sexually-charged seconds, he still makes no move to kiss me.