Disappointment settles in as I slowly make my way to my desk. Reflexively, I take a drink from the cup in my hand and make a face at the nasty, lukewarm stuff they call coffee. My heart drops in my chest, like my butt does to my chair.

I should have known he was too good to be true. After years of finding nothing but toads, it’s not likely my luck will change soon, right? I mean, Sawyer was great on the outside (really, really great), but everyone knows I only attract the cocky assholes who end up leaving before the sheets start to cool.

‘But Sawyer didn’t feel like an asshole,’ I reason with myself. And that’s true. He felt different from the moment I laid eyes on him.

“You look a little sad.” His voice startles me from the pity party I’m lost in.

“Hey,” I chirp as I glance toward the door. My voice is all pitchy and high.

Sawyer is leaning against the doorframe, a drink holder in one hand and a white paper sack in the other. “Why are you sad?”

“I’m not,” I mumble, my eyes watching as he makes his way to me. From my position in my chair, he towers over me like a giant, all hard muscles and powerful limbs. I can’t help that my eyes feast on the man in front of me. They make their way down his not-too-tight t-shirt and to those fabulous shorts Brandy was talking about. What is it about an athletic man in nylon shorts?

But it’s his legs that now hold my attention. Sprinkled with dark hair, his thighs and calves are thick and…hard. Oh, dear Lord in Heaven, they’re so hard and rippled with waves of taut muscles, and…am I drooling? Ehh, who cares! I have the sudden desire to caress every inch of his thighs and his calves and his…

“Earth to AJ,” he says, pulling me from my fantasy. I was mere seconds away from dropping to my knees and worshipping this man’s thighs.

My face burns with mortification.

Worse, I could hear the humor in his voice, as if he was thoroughly enjoying the fact that I was ogling him. And I’m sure he was. I mean, this man is obviously used to being ogled.

“I’m sorry, what?” I ask, forcing myself to look up and meet his eyes.

Oh, bad idea! They’re sparkling like aquamarines under the sun and full of hilarity. “I asked why you were sad. You said you weren’t. Then you started checking me out and drooling on your chin.”

“I was not!” I declare, unable to stop the bubble of laughter that slips from my lips as I jump to my feet. He smiles back at me, easing away the embarrassment and replacing it with desire.

“I brought you a gift,” he says. Sawyer steps up beside me and sets the white bag down on my desk, along with the coffees.

I turn my head slightly, catching an intoxicating whiff of his soap. He doesn’t move, though, and we remain dangerously close together. It would be nothing for me to reach forward and place my hand on his chest or for him to wrap his arm around my lower back and pull me into his towering body.

“Thank you,” I whisper, caught in the spell of his eyes.

“My pleasure.” Something about the way he says it triggers every dirty memory I have of this man and makes me shiver. They all replay, in glorious bright Technicolor, and it doesn’t take me long to realize I’m practically panting.

But so is he.

“I’m sorry it wasn’t here when you walked in this morning. I decided that I needed to see you before I started my day.” His words are heady and hold a powerful punch to my lady parts.

“I’m glad you waited a few minutes.”


I offer a quick nod. We’re still standing way too close to deem appropriate for a school setting, but neither of us seem to care. The room fills with a sexual charge that even I can see. Well, that is if I could see past my Sawyer-induced sex fog.

“So I was thinking about tomorrow night,” he starts, his hand sliding slowly up my arm, leaving a trail of goose bumps in its wake. “Can I pick you up at six?”

“Sex is fine with me.” He smirks and realization sets in. “Six! Six is fine with me! Oh my God,” I mumble, dropping my head into my hands.

Warm fingers wrap around my wrists and gently pull them away from my face. “Sex just so happens to be fine with me too, but not yet. I will show you a proper first date, AJ.” Before I can reply, he places a kiss on my forehead, causing my body to involuntarily sway toward him.

“Bagel and cream cheese today,” he says as he grabs the second coffee and walks towards the doorway.

Glancing down, I take in the white bag on my desk. There’s a note written on it, but before I can read it, he speaks again. “Oh, and AJ? All bets are off following the second date.”

With that, he winks and strolls out the door like he didn’t just render me absolutely speechless and completely turned on with that one statement. I’m so out of whack by his bluntness that I completely miss the view of watching him walk away.
