That’s probably the better idea.

Fuck knows if I take her back to my place, I’m going to strip her naked and lick every square inch of her sexy little body.

Adjusting the sudden discomfort in my pants, I turn to my passenger. “Are you gonna tell me where you live?”

“Oh, ummm, yeah. Turn right at the next stoplight.”

Following her directions, I pull in front of a small yellow house with a little white picket fence around the front walk. It’s cute and quaint and seems perfect for my favorite math teacher. With my car in park, I hop out and meet her around the passenger side of the car.

“You don’t have to walk me up,” she says as she grips my hand and stands beside my car.

“I want to.”

I don’t comment on the fact that she doesn’t let go of my hand as I walk her up the concrete steps that lead to her front door. “Thank you for the ride,” she says, pulling her keys from her purse.

“You’re welcome.” My eyes are glued to hers and I can see everything swirling around within those green orbs. Excitement, hesitation, and maybe even a little resolution mix together in a tornado of emotions. “Go out with me.”

I blurt the words without giving a single consideration, and frankly, there’s nothing for me to think about. I want to date her. I want to take her to dinner and maybe a movie. I want to work for her affection in a way I haven’t had to in years. The prospect of wooing her, not knowing if a second date is a guarantee just because of my fucking name or occupation, is thrilling.

Almost as thrilling as the thought of stealing a kiss at the end of that date.

“But we work together,” she says softly.

“We do,” I confirm, reaching up and slipping a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “It’s not forbidden, and to be completely transparent, I wouldn’t care if it was. I’d love to take you out, AJ. A real date, where I pick you up and we go have dinner. I’ll probably hold your hand as we walk to the car, and if I’m a really good boy, maybe you’ll reward me with a goodnight kiss.”

AJ raises a single eyebrow, the faintest smirk playing on her full, kissable lips. “Well, I don’t know about that. Maybe I’m not the kiss-on-the-first-date kinda girl.”

I can’t help but smile at the memory of her sexy little body wrapped around mine, as we started toward my hotel room, flashes through my mind. I knew nothing more about her than her first name, but neither of us cared. Of course, that night didn’t end the way either of us anticipated, but it was still quite memorable.

Stepping into her personal space, I slide my hand up her jaw and thread my fingers into her hair. Her eyes dilate dark, filling with need and anticipation. “That’s all right, sweetheart. Something tells me you’ll be worth the wait.” Leaning forward, my lips connect with the warm, soft skin on her forehead. The slightest little gasp slips from her lips, causing all the blood in my body to rush just south of my belt and my lips to linger just a bit longer than probably deemed appropriate.

“Go out with me. Next Saturday.”

Glancing down, I’m rewarded with a genuine smile and sparkling eyes. “Okay.”

And now I’m the one smiling. Big. Like a fool.

“I’ll see you Monday at school,” I say, taking a step back and severing the contact I crave with her. Something flashes across her face. Disappointment, maybe? Like she needs the same contact I do.

“Monday,” she confirms with a nod.

I watch as she unlocks her door and pushes it open, about to step inside. “Oh, AJ?” She quickly turns around. “How do you take your coffee?”

Her eyebrows bunch together in confusion, but she answers. “As much cream and sugar as possible. I prefer caramel lattes so I have to doctor up the nasty, weak coffee in the teachers’ lounge to get it as close as possible,” she says with a shrug.

I nod in confirmation and shove my hands into my pockets. AJ lets herself into her house, turning and facing me once more before shutting the door. Neither of us says a word, but a whole conversation is had with our eyes.

Something is brewing between us. Hell, something has been cooking since that night we left that bar together. It’s been simmering, slowly building the most electric charge I’ve ever experienced. There’s no telling what’ll happen when I finally get my hands on her naked body, my mouth against that delicate skin.

My cock throbs in my shorts just thinking about it.

“Good night,” she whispers before slowly closing the door. I listen for the latch to secure before returning to my car. I’m picturing all of the glorious things I want to do to her body when we finally get to finish what we started. We’ll start with a date, but ultimately, I want so much more from AJ Summer.

Sure, her body.

But more importantly, I want her time.

* * *