“Yeah, I had beers with the guys last Saturday night, and they invited me. Since I’m new in town, and all, they thought I’d enjoy coming over and hanging out for a while. Is that a problem?” he asks, his gaze intent as he stares down at me.

“No, no problem. I was just surprised to see you, is all.” My voice sounds unnaturally pitchy and breathy.

He leans forward and invades my personal space. I can smell the detergent on his shirt and the soap on his skin, and it takes everything I have not to lean forward and run my nose along his neck and inhale. “A good surprise, I hope.”

I don’t confirm or deny, which makes him smile. I, of course, find myself grinning back with a wily little smirk.

“Come on, buttercup, I’ll let you sit by me at dinner,” Sawyer says, sliding his very large hand along my lower back and escorting me to the food line.

My family gathers around, along with the extra guests here to help celebrate, and it’s like no one cares that we’re eating dinner with a former pro baseball player. I mean he has a World Series ring in his jewelry box, for crying out loud. Yet my family is chatting with him about the difference between an inlaid brick patio and stamped concrete, and whether Lexi’s twins will be boys or girls.

“So, Randall, what are your intentions with my granddaughter?” I hear my grandpa ask from across the picnic table.

“What?” I gasp, my eyes as wide as the paper plate holding my hamburger. “There are no intentions,” I insist, everyone in the yard suddenly paying close attention to our conversation.

“Actually, there are, sir. I intend to date your granddaughter,” Sawyer replies casually, yet directly to my grandpa.

Grandpa stares down the man sitting beside me with a critical eye. My face flushes with a rare blush while I watch, mouth agape, as they continue to stare each other down. Hell, even my sisters sit back and watch the show.

“Good deal, son. Make sure you don’t skimp in the bedroom department. Women love a good wine, dine, and romp in the sheets, you hear?”

I make a gargly, gaspy noise that resembles me choking. “I’ll make sure not to withhold, sir,” I hear Sawyer reply over the blood swooshing in my ears. And, damn it, if I don’t catch the humor in his voice.

“Oh, I’m pretty sure a big, strong man like yourself would never disappoint in the bedroom. I’ve seen your stance and that big Louisville Slugger you carry,” Grandma practically coos.

“Dear God, kill me now,” I grumble over the laughter of my sisters. “This is what you went through?” I ask Jaime, seeking confirmation. “I laughed when we all showed up at Ryan’s place and Grandma called the Coast Guard, and now this is my payback, isn’t it?”

“It is,” my sister confirms.

“And for when she found the butt cheek prints on my workstation and called everyone to find out if they were theirs,” Payton adds.

“That was funny,” I retort.

“Or how about when she gave me a sex swing and you thought it was the funniest thing in the entire world?” Abby asks.

I shrug, fighting the smile, as everyone snickers at the memory.

“And when she thought Linkin was a stripper and had him dance for me while I was blindfolded and tied to a chair? You laughed.”

I did. I laughed then, and I’m laughing now. Turning to the man sitting next to me, I plead, “We’re completely crazy. You should run away screaming, quick. No one would think less of you if you did,” I tell him, not even close to joking.

“Are you kidding? I’m kinda digging your brand of crazy,” he says with that smile that makes my heart flutter and my panties wet.

“Then that must make you a little crazy, too,” I say with a matching smile.

“That I am, AJ. That I am.”