“Good for you, dude. I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Never mind. I’m not bringing her now.”

“You better! I want to meet this chick who has your dick in knots and your balls in her hand.”

“I don’t know about that, but I enjoy spending time with her. We’ll see if it goes anywhere,” I add casually, taking another pull from my beer bottle.

“Anyway, I need to get off here. We’re in the weight room after practice this afternoon before catching a flight to Chicago tomorrow morning.” The guys are getting ready to start a three-game series tomorrow night against the Sox.

“I don’t miss those Sunday practices.” The words are spoken aloud, but are mostly for myself.

“I bet not,” Joel groans as someone pounds on the door. “Gotta go, man. Griffin’s itchin’ to get in the john before practice starts.”

“I’ll see you in a few weeks,” I tell him.

“Awesome. I’ll email Shelly as soon as I hang up and get those tickets for ya.”

“Thanks, man.”

“Later,” he says before signing off, leaving me alone in silence.

The waves gently crash against the shore as the Sunday afternoon sun blazes high in the sky. I can’t get over how much has changed in the last several months. Injured. Let go from my contract, ending my career. Divorced. Relocated to another state. My first teaching and coaching gig. It’s a lot to take in, that’s for sure, but nothing that I can’t handle.

Especially when I think about having someone like AJ by my side.

Smiling, I finish off my beer and head inside. There are still a few boxes to unpack and my home office to set up. Plus, with every tick of the clock, I’m that much closer to seeing a certain brown-haired math teacher who makes my dick hard and my dirty fantasies flare to life.

Five days of AJ before next Saturday.

Date night.