Chapter Thirty


I pull up to the sidewalk, the police officer moving aside the barricade to grant me access to the scene. Abby’s dancing nervously in her seat, her foot tapping a hole in the floorboard. Before I even have the truck in park, she jumps out.

“Abby, wait!” I holler, hopping down and making my way to the front of my truck where she’s waiting. She’s not looking at me, though; no, she’s frantically looking down the block at the building that’s engulfed in flames. The one right next to her sister’s business.

The wail of the fire truck sirens fill the night, the blaze lighting up the sky better than any streetlight ever could. “Here,” I say, as I hand her my keys and pull my wallet from my pocket. “Can you hang on to these for me?”

Her eyes are bright with fear. Fear for her sister, fear for me, I’m not sure. Knowing Abby, I’d say it’s both.

“Come on, I’ll show you where to stand so you’re out of the way,” I holler over the loud sirens. Taking her hand in my own, I lead her through the gathering crowd on the sidewalk. Everyone’s pointing at the blaze as my brothers pull up in three trucks. They jump out, gear on, and ready to do battle with the fire.

Finding a spot over to the side where she can still see everything, I turn her to face me and plant my lips firmly on hers. “Stay over here. You’ll be safe and out of the way. If anyone gives you any lip, tell them you’re with me, okay?”

When she nods, I kiss her again, this time lingering a little longer on her lush, swollen lips than I should. “Be careful,” she whispers, gripping onto my shirt as if to anchor herself to me.

“Always.” With one more firm peck on the lips, I turn and head towards the truck.

“Abby!” I hear over my shoulder and turn just as Payton, Dean, and his five-year-old daughter, Brielle, run up to where she’s standing.

I jog back as they embrace, Dean walking towards me with his daughter in his arms. “Keep them back,” I tell him. Brielle’s transfixed on the blaze, the fire dancing in her wide eyes.

“I will. She called them all.”

“Don’t let any of them get any closer. The blaze is too hot and spreading quickly. We’ll do everything we can to keep it away from her place,” I say, nodding towards Abby’s oldest sister.

“Do what you can, but keep yourself safe,” Dean tells me, putting a hard hand on my shoulder. “It’s just a building.”

“Levi!” Payton hollers before running at me. She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me with everything she has. My shirt’s wet from her tears, but I barely notice.

Looking down at her, I tell her, “Stay back. Don’t come any closer, okay? I need to know you are all out of harm’s way.”

“We will. That business…” she starts, sniffling, “it means everything to me. But it’s not worth anything if something happens to you. Please be careful,” she whispers, pulling me into another hug.

“I will. I promise,” I tell her, glancing over her shoulder to see tears in my girl’s eyes.

“Hey,” I holler, her emerald eyes locked on mine. “I’ll be right back. Then we’re going back to my place to finish what we started.” The smirk I give her causes her face to flame. No, I can’t see it, but if I know anything about Abby, it’s that she embarrasses easily.

“Gross,” Payton mumbles before pulling back out of my arms.

“I’ll be back, angel,” I tell her with a wink before turning and running towards the fire.

My gear is already there, thanks to Tucker, and I’m dressed and ready for battle only a few moments later.

“Ready to do this, Romeo?” Tucker hollers through his mask beside me.

“Only if you are, Juliet!” I yell back, blowing him a kiss.

Together, we grab our gear and set out to work. My main objective is to safely put out this blaze, and hopefully keep it from Payton’s building. Then and only then will I allow myself to be distracted by Abby’s intoxicating eyes and hypnotic thighs. After this is done, I’m heading home with my girl.

And to tell her how I feel.