“Yep. I’ve already made up my mind.” I leave out the reason why.


Again, we’re silent for a few moments while she finishes and helps move me towards the dryer. Before she can put the lid down over my head and turn on the heat, I stop her hand with my own. “Will you help me?” I whisper. Fidgeting with my tablet on my lap, “I don’t really know how to talk to guys and so I might need a little coaching, Lex.”

The woman who mirrors my appearance squats down before me. “Of course I’ll help you. I’ll help with anything you want. I’ll come over and we’ll make you a kick-ass profile. I heard of this new site, PerfectDate.com, that’s supposed to be good at pairing profiles based on their compatibility. It advertises itself as finding the perfect date will lead towards your perfect forever. Or some shit like that.”

“I like it. Let’s do it.”

“Okay. What about this afternoon? I’m not doing anything and Chris is probably working on something and won’t even notice I’m missing,” Lexi mumbles, getting the dryer ready.

“Everything okay with that?”

She shrugs and gives me a sad smile. “We can talk about that later.” Then, she flips on the dryer, essentially ending the conversation.

My mind races to the prospect of setting up a dating profile. A picture, talking about myself, verbalizing what I’m looking for in a potential future spouse. It’ll all be there in black and white. Can I really do this? Well, we’re about to find out.

Ready or not, here I come.