Sunday night.

SimpleMan: How was the nap?

AngelEyes: Amazing until I rolled over and a thorn stuck in my hip.

SimpleMan: ??? Explain. Where exactly were you napping? The jungle?

AngelEyes: My bed. But I have this embarrassingly amazing display of roses all over my room, and well, I kinda have been sleeping with some of them. They smell so good and remind me of my friend when he’s not here.

SimpleMan: Lucky fucking flowers. I bet your friend wishes he was curled against you instead of thorny roses.

AngelEyes: That makes two of us, Simple.

* * *

Monday night.

AngelEyes: Work sucked. Since I took last Friday off, I was way behind. I had to put in extra hours to catch up.

SimpleMan: I’m sorry to hear that. I wish you’d let me help you. I know the proper uses for there, they’re, their!

AngelEyes: That’s one of the things I like most about you, Simple. Proper use of grammar.

* * *

Tuesday night.

SimpleMan: I’m off to work. Big plans tonight?

AngelEyes: I met my grandparents at the café for dinner. It was all fine and dandy until they started debating the benefits of anal beads and butt plugs. *insert grossed out emoji*

SimpleMan: *insert laughing emoji* I’m sorry I missed that. They sound like a hoot.

AngelEyes: They are the best. But don’t tell them I said that. It would go to their heads and we’d never be able to live with them.

* * *

Wednesday afternoon.

AngelEyes: I just got a text. From my best friend. He wants me to come over for dinner tonight.

SimpleMan: And?

AngelEyes: I said yes. I’m really excited, but incredibly nervous too.

SimpleMan: Why are you nervous?

AngelEyes: I haven’t seen him in a week.

SimpleMan: I bet he misses you. More than anything.

AngelEyes: I miss him. More than anything.

SimpleMan: Enjoy your dinner. Don’t be nervous. Just be your charming, amazing self and you can’t go wrong.

AngelEyes: Thanks for being my friend, Simple.

SimpleMan: The pleasure has been all mine, Angel. Go. Get ready. I have dinner to prepare for. My girl is coming over tonight and I can’t fucking wait to see her.

AngelEyes: She’s a lucky girl.

SimpleMan: I’m the lucky one.