SimpleMan: I bet he’s the luckiest bastard in the world because you’re in his life.

AngelEyes: Quite possibly. *winky face*

SimpleMan: Tell me about your day.

AngelEyes: I’ll be honest, it didn’t start off so great, but it’s starting to look up.

SimpleMan: Mine either. To be blunt, I messed up with my girl. I’m working on making it right.

AngelEyes: That’s very noble of you. I’m sure she appreciates it.

SimpleMan: I hope so. And that’s why I have to be honest with you now. I’m not looking to hook up or go on the perfect date with anyone but her. But I like you, Angel, and I’d love to be your friend.

AngelEyes: Since we’re being honest, I kinda have a big thing for my best friend too. I’ve tried to fight it, but he’s persistent and, well, he’s pretty amazing. So I’m only looking for a friend too.

I admit. This is the part where I fist pump victoriously in the air. My smile is so big it hurts, and my heart swells more than my chest cavity has room for.

SimpleMan: Excellent. I think we’ll make great friends, Angel.

And then we spend the next three hours, until I had to go to work, chatting and talking as if we didn’t know a single thing, yet knew everything at the same time. It was one of the best Friday nights of my life.

* * *

Saturday morning.

SimpleMan: Just got off work. I’m going to sleep and then text my girl. I haven’t talked to her since I was a dumbass on Thursday.

AngelEyes: You should definitely text her. I bet she misses you, even though you were a dumbass.

* * *

Saturday night.

SimpleMan: I texted my girl. It felt fucking amazing that she replied back right away.

AngelEyes: I bet she couldn’t wait to hear from you. Even if she was angry and hurt, you can forgive those you care most for.

* * *

Sunday morning.

SimpleMan: I’m headed to the beach today to hang out with my friend Tucker. He’s probably gonna want to know why I was such a douche to my girl. I’ll tell him, of course, which will ensure that a year’s worth of pussy-whipped comments will ensue. I can’t wait.

AngelEyes: He sounds charming. Enjoy your teasing. #SorryNotSorry

* * *

Sunday afternoon.

AngelEyes: I spent the afternoon at my sister Jaime’s house. While her boyfriend Ryan was away golfing, we searched the entire house for a hidden engagement ring that we’re certain she’s going to get soon. There may have been tequila involved.

SimpleMan: *big cheesy grin* Tequila and sister shenanigans. What a great combination! Did you find it?

AngelEyes: Nope. But we did find the bottom of the bottle. I’m so sleepy. *yawning emoji*

SimpleMan: Nap, Angel. I’ll talk to you later.

* * *