Jumping up, I sprint to the front door, sliding around the corner in my socks and into the kitchen. Throwing the lock on the knob, I rip open the door, out of breath and completely oblivious to the fact I’m in boxer briefs and socks.

There she is. Long brown hair pulled back at the nape of her neck, tight yoga pants, and an oversized t-shirt. She’s getting ready to pound on my door again, her hand poised high to strike again, when I cross the hall to stand behind her. I almost wrap my arms around her, but knowing that she could very well hate my guts right now, I opt to reach out and touch her shoulder. “Hey.”

Abby whips around, a startled squeak coming from her surprised face, and that’s when I realize my mistake. This isn’t Abby. It’s Lexi.

“Jesus,” she scolds, her green eyes hard.


“Why do you smell like you swam in a fire pit?”

Reaching around and rubbing the back of my neck, I answer, “Uhh, I had a fire last night. Haven’t showered yet.”

“Is that because you were too busy being a douche to my sister?”

“What?” I ask, surprised by her hostility, yet completely unsurprised by it at the same time. Lexi’s always been the slightly more passionate sister. Where Abby has always been quiet and shy, Lexi is a little more in your face and always tells it like it is.

“Maybe you can explain to me why my sister called me up an hour ago, crying, Levi, and told me you were the biggest liar in the history of the world.” I open my mouth to speak, but she continues.

“And, believe me, Levi, I’ve known my fair share of liars lately.” Again, I open my mouth, but she raises her hands, stopping me in my place.

“The one person who’s never supposed to hurt and use her did just that. You toyed with her feelings, making her fall completely in love with you, for what? Some sick game? Do you do this with other women? Be all sweet and sexy and make them fall for you? Then toss them aside like yesterday’s trash?

“She was crying because of what you did, Levi. You hurt my sister, you worthless pile of dog shit, and for that, I’m going to have to cut off your balls and stuff them down your throat. With a nail file!” she practically shouts at me in the middle of the hallway.

“Wow, that sounds painful, dude. Might want to invest in a cup when you’re gonna be near that little firecracker.” The deep voice comes over my shoulder and off to the left.

Lexi’s flaming eyes turn on new prey. “Excuse me?”

“Hey, don’t get your panties in a wad, sweetness. I was just warning my man here that his woman was more of a firecracker than I originally suspected,” the new addition says. Linkin is leaning casually against his door jam, a wide smile on his face. He’s lived next to Abby for a handful of months, and even though we’ve spoken a few times in passing, this would be the most consistent words we’ve shared since I met him.

“His woman?” Lexi seethes.

“Whatever you want to call yourself, sweetness. It don’t bother me any,” Linkin practically coos at my girl’s twin sister. Her rage is visibly pulsing through the thick air in the hallway.

“This isn’t Abby, Link. It’s her twin sister, Lexi,” I tell him. He gives me a knowing grin and nod before turning those dark eyes back at Lexi.

“Twins. I like it.”

“Unless you want your own balls to be sawed off with a dirty spatula, I suggest you head inside and leave us be,” she fumes at the tall man across the hall.

“Feisty. I dig that in a woman,” Linkin says with a wolfish grin. Then, to really piss her off, he throws a wink over his shoulder before heading inside his apartment, whistling a happy tune. When the door shuts, we’re surrounded in uncomfortable silence.

“Listen, Lex, as much as I love getting my ass handed to me in the hallway, do you mind coming inside?”

“Why are you practically naked?” she asks, following me into Abby’s apartment. “And why are you in my sister’s place?”

“I’m here because I was worried about her and hoped I could talk to her when she came home,” I say, talking over and standing by the counter.

“She won’t be home. Not while you’re here.”

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I walk over and drop down into the closest kitchen chair, and run my hands from the back of my neck up into my hair. “I fucked up, Lex.”

“No shit, Sherlock.”

Glancing at her, I see the hostility in her eyes ebb, but only minutely. “How much did she tell you?”

“Not much. She couldn’t really talk over her crying, you know?”