God, I’m such a sappy loser.

Don’t care.

“Be safe,” she says before kissing me one last time.

I’m moving through the hallway, shooting down the stairs before I even have a chance to look back and see her face one last time. Something pulls at my heart, telling me not to go. To go back and hold her in my arms one more time.

But I can’t.

Lives could depend on my response right now, so as much as it pains me, I push thoughts of Abby and the confessions I was about to make out of my mind. I prepare myself to do my job, ready and willing.

Tonight, when I’m through, she’ll be waiting. I’ll climb into her bed and tell her exactly how I feel. I’ll confess the love I’ve felt for her for what feels like a lifetime, and hopefully, God willing, she’ll return the sentiment, and we’ll start a new life together. One where I get to tell her every day that I love her, and show her even more. One with her in my arms where she belongs.

Anything else is unthinkable.