But I have to try to fix this.

As soon as we get back to her place, I’m telling her that I’m SimpleMan. I’ll beg and plead with her to see what I did as an act of love. Because motherfucker, I love this woman more than life itself. She’s my world, fucking everything I didn’t even know I wanted. And I refuse to go down without a fight. Sure, she’s going to be pissed as hell, but I’ll make her see. It came from a good place, a place that she may not see right away, but eventually will.

At least, I hope so.

My heart is hammering in my chest as we make our way out of my truck and towards the building. Our hands are joined as we head into the stairwell and walk up three flights of stairs. For some reason, my legs feel leaded, like a death row inmate making their way towards the electric chair.

What am I so worked up about? We’re going to be fine. Sure, she’ll probably be pissed off at me for a bit, but one day, we’ll look back and laugh at this little hiccup in our relationship and share the details with our grandkids.


That would insinuate having children. And marriage. And a life together.

Yep, I fucking want that, and I want it bad.

Who would have thought: me, Levi Morgan, proverbial bad boy and womanizer, would fall in love with the one woman who has been by his side since he was an ugly little ten-year-old.

But those thoughts don’t scare me. No, it’s the ones where I try to picture my life without her. Those are the images that scare the ever-loving shit out of me. Because in just a short amount of time, I’ve fallen head over heels in love with my best friend.

Fine, I’m a little late to the party.

You’re right.

I’ve been in love with her before I realized it. Everyone else could see it, but not me. And maybe not her either. That’s why I’ve got to convince her to forgive me for my little FUBAR and ride off into the fucking sunset with me.

Easy peasy.

Well, after I convince her to forgive me for deceiving and lying to her.


When we reach her door, words are ready to fly from my mouth like some Indy Car tearing out of pit road, but she stops. She’s heartbreakingly beautiful as she gazes up at me with so much trust and love in her eyes. I see it. Love. And I pray she sees the same thing reflecting in my own.

“Listen, I have some things to say to you,” I tell her. Abby’s face falls in that holy shit, you’re going to break up with me way. I’m not too familiar with it since I’m not a big dater, but I’ve seen that look before.

Taking her hands in mine, I bring them up to my lips and place sweet, tender kisses to each of her ten knuckles. “It’s not bad,” I tell her reflectively, earning a smile in return.

Well, it’s not all bad, I think to myself.

“Actually, I have something to tell you that I hope might make you happy.”

I love you, I love you, I love you.

I fucked up. Please forgive me.

Just as I open my mouth, my fire pager goes off. The noise echoes in the empty hall, loud and piercing. “Shit,” I mumble as I pull the clip from my belt.

“Attention Jupiter Bay Fire. All available units respond to a single level residential structure fire at 1221 Coastal Way Jupiter Bay.”

“I have to go, angel. I’m sorry,” I tell her, grabbing the sides of her face and kissing her soft lips as if my life depended on it. “Can I come over when I get home?”

“Yes,” she whispers, her lips already swollen from my kisses.

“It might be kinda late.”

“That’s okay.”

Placing a shorter, chaste kiss on her lips, I tell her, “I’ll shower first and come over. Crawling into bed with you will give me something to hurry home to.”