Chapter Twenty-Four


By the time I can steal more alone time with Abby, it’s Thursday night. A bout with food poisoning at the ambulance headquarters took half the crew out of commission for three days. Thank fuck I’m not a fan of shrimp dip, otherwise I would have been praying to the porcelain God, screaming from both ends, like the rest of those sorry suckers.

I sent a quick text message this afternoon to Abs, letting her know we’re going for Chinese tonight. I’ve been craving teriyaki chicken and fried rice like no one’s business, and I figured this was the best way to kill two birds with one stone. Food and a little alone time with my girl.

Hopefully some naked time later too.

Even in my exhausted state, I can manage to get naked with Abby between the sheets. Or in the kitchen again. Maybe bent over the couch? Whatever.

I grab my computer and fire up the dating app. I’ve felt like the equivalent of dog shit all week while working, texting Abby one minute as Levi and messaging her through the dating site the next as SimpleMan. This shit has got to come to an end soon, or I’m liable to get myself caught in something I can’t sweet talk my way out of.

The longer the guise goes on, the harder it’s going to be to come clean. Yeah, yeah, I should have done it weeks ago when the opportunity kept presenting itself to me, but I’m a big fucking chicken, all right? I don’t want to hurt her, nor piss her off, and I’m afraid I’d be doing both when I tell her.

See? Fucking chicken.

I hover the mouse over her picture, that one that gets my heart racing and my blood pumping to one concentrated area in my pants. And because I’m a glutton for punishment, I click on the image and bring up her newest message.

AngelEyes: What’s for dinner tonight?

SimpleMan: Chinese. I’m starving, angel.

The bubbles appear and then disappear, as if she was typing but then stopped. I wait for several minutes, yawning loudly as I get comfortable on my couch, until I see another message pop up.

AngelEyes: Busy day at work?

SimpleMan: The busiest. I’m exhausted.

AngelEyes: Maybe you should order in and crash early tonight?

SimpleMan: I would but I’m taking my girl to dinner. She’s the best part of my day.

AngelEyes: *smiley face* Good for you, Simple. I’m off to get ready for dinner.

SimpleMan: Bye, Angel. Have fun.

AngelEyes: Bye.

Even if it’s only four, my eyes are fighting to stay open. I’ve got two hours before I have to grab Abby and take her to dinner, so I set my laptop down on the coffee table and close my eyes. A two-hour nap is just what the doctor ordered.

* * *

When I open my eyes, it’s because my phone chimed with an alert. Reaching blindly into my holster, I pull it out to find two text messages from Abby.

Abby: Still on for tonight?

Abby: Everything okay?

The first messages came at 6:10, while the second just moments ago. Shit! I’m late for picking up Abby for dinner. Jumping up, I fire off a quick reply as I head towards my bedroom. I’ve got just enough time to change my clothes quickly and brush my teeth.

Levi: Overslept. Be there in a second.

I’m out of my stinky work clothes and into clean shorts and a tee before you can snap your friends. Sure, I’d love to take a shower first, but I’m already late and don’t want her to wait any longer than she already has.

Grabbing my phone and keys, I pay absolutely no attention to the rest of my place before flying out the door. I probably left all of my lights on, but I don’t give a shit. My girl is waiting.

I don’t even have to knock before the door opens; and there she is. She’s wearing a light blue sundress that goes all the way to her ankles and cute as fuck silver sandals. My dick takes notice immediately.