Jesus, he’s going to fucking make me cry like a baby.

“Thank you, sir.”

“I know things just got real heavy for us, and I apologize. I didn’t come over here to ambush you or anything. Hell, I didn’t even expect you, but the opportunity presented itself. My little girl is an amazing woman and I want to make sure the man she loves is worthy. You’re worthy, Levi, if you take the chance and follow your heart.”

“Love? Abby loves me?” My eyes search his for any sign that he’s pulling my leg, but all I see is sincerity and understanding.

Smiling, he says, “Of course she does, son. She’s always loved you.”

We’re quiet for a few minutes, both lost in our own thoughts. He wasn’t kidding when he said it got heavy, but it’s what I needed to hear. I knew I was falling for her, but until he put it all in perspective, I didn’t realize how much she really meant to me. I love her. Fuck, I’ve been in love with her for years.

“I never thought I’d say this, but do you have any idea how happy I am that it was you who caught me half naked in Abby’s kitchen and not Orval and Emma?”

Brian laughs. “Well, I’m not so sure any father wants to find someone in his underwear in his little girl’s kitchen, but I see what you’re saying. Did I ever tell you about the first time they caught me with Trish?”

Shaking my head, he smiles again, grabs a beer from the fridge for himself and a water for me, and sits down across from me at the table. “We were on our fourth date, I think, when things got a little hot and heavy in my ol’ truck. You know how it is,” he adds with a sheepish grin. “I never intended for it to go as far as it did, but when you’re young and dumb, sometimes things happen. We were parked on the back of her property, about a hundred yards from the house. There were trees between us and I thought, for sure, there was no way they could see my truck from the house.

“Anyway, afterwards, we were barely dressed when there was a knock on the driver’s side window.”

“Oh shit,” I say, fighting the urge to laugh.

“Yeah, not exactly the impression I wanted to make on her parents. Orval just stared at me with this stern look, and Emma started in on Trish. Asked her why she hadn’t saved herself for marriage like she did. Then Orval just looked at her and said, ‘What are you talking about, woman? You didn’t save yourself for marriage. We barely made it through our first date before I had you naked.’”

I can’t help it, I die laughing.

“Yeah, poor Trish was mortified, afraid I was gonna run for the hills. And maybe I should have, but I might have fallen in love a bit with those two ol’ kooks that night. Emma had just looked at Orval and said, ‘Oh, yeah. Never mind.’ And then asked if we needed more rubbers.”

I guess now we know that kinda thing runs in the family, huh? Poor Jaime and Ryan didn’t stand a chance. I can’t believe the same thing happened to her parents thirty-five years prior. That’s probably why Orval and Emma like telling that story so much about having to bail them out of jail following the cops finding them parked along a field; it reminds them of the time they busted Brian and Trisha.

Sitting with Brian, I find myself listening to story after story, each one better than the last. I can’t help but wonder if I’ve ever smiled as much as I have in the last thirty minutes listening to Abby’s dad share moments from his past.

This is just the kinda crazy family I’ve always seen myself being a part of.