“You’ll find it again, Meggy. You have the most beautiful heart of all of us, and you’re destined to love. I know it’s hard to think about it now, but you’ll find your happiness again.” Payton’s words cause that lump in my throat to swell in size.

“My love died in a car accident six months ago, Pay. I honestly can’t even imagine feeling that kind of love again. And that’s okay. No one will ever measure up to Josh,” she whispers, closing her eyes as memories of her lost love plague her mind.

“You don’t have to think about that now, Meg,” I say, getting up and crouching before her. “Someday, you’ll find someone who’ll consider himself the luckiest man in the world because he gets to love you. It might not be now and it might not be easy, but I believe with all my heart that you’ll have your happily ever after.” Glancing around at my sisters, I add, “We all will.”

The next thing I know, I’m surrounded by five pairs of arms as we shed tears and hold each other in only the way sisters can do. We comfort each other in our times of sorrow and celebrate when the time calls for rejoicing. We’re a mixture of happy and sad, but that’s the way life goes.

“I love you,” I whisper to no one in particular.

“Love you too,” they all repeat one after the other.

We embrace each other for several minutes, wiping our tears of joy and grief. When we’re left with nothing but smiles and sniffles, Lexi turns to Jaime and says, “You realize Grandma’s going to want to plan your bachelorette party, right?”

Again, we all burst into giggles, each of us smiling so big it hurts. After a few moments, the laughter dies down and Meghan turns to me. “I kinda want to hear all about Levi and Abby.”

My face burns with a brutal flush, but their eager and hopeful eyes encourage me to speak. “Let’s just say, it was so hot, it felt like my body was touching the sun,” I start to a chorus of girly giggles.

“And then he grabbed his guitar…”

* * *

The fogginess in my head keeps me from glancing at my alarm clock, but seeing the sunlight filter through the cracks of my eyelids, I can tell it must be mid-morning. My head throbs with the aftermath of a night in with my sisters. I know I drank more than normal, but the conversations were a tad heavier than our usual sisters’ nights.

Dean delivered me to my building somewhere around one this morning, helping me into my apartment before securing the lock and heading out to take his girlfriend home. They were probably doing dirty things to each other before they even got out of my parking lot. That’s what happens when you’re in love and can’t keep your hands off each other.

I never really saw that with Lexi and Chris, but I can justify that with being away at school when they were deciding to move in together immediately after high school. And Meg and Josh were a little less PDA and a lot more cutesy hand holding and kissing discretely in their coupledom. Understandably, I never really saw the appeal of wanting someone so bad that you’d risk a public indecency charge just to give road-head.

But now? With Levi? The thought of driving down the road and needing to taste him, bring him to the point of explosion just because we can’t wait another five minutes to get safely home, definitely holds some appeal. In fact, I might want to try the whole blowjob thing on our next outing.

Needing to cross my legs to ebb the desire I suddenly feel, I’m startled when my leg encounters a much hairier one. Before I can scream out for help (you know, because there’s an ax murderer snuggling me in my bed right now), I’m pulled into strong arms and a muscular bare chest. Familiarity slides down my spine, sending all of my senses on high alert.

And then his scent hits me. He smells like woodsy soap and mint toothpaste, and my already overly sensitive body is suddenly aching with need. My hands slide up his bare chest, caressing each abdominal muscle that God graced him with. He tenses beneath my touch, but relaxes just as quickly, as if he knows who’s touching him, even in sleep.

His eyes are closed, a peaceful look etched on his gorgeous face. His sandy blond hair is askew from sleep or going to bed with wet hair. My fingers itch to slide through those soft locks.

Levi must sense my wakeful eye, and slowly cracks open his own. I’m rewarded with a soft smile and the happiest hazel eyes on the planet. “Hey,” he mumbles, pulling me into his arms.

“How’d you get in here?” I ask, sleepily, as he draws me deeper into his embrace.

“The spare key I made you give me so I had it if you ever forgot yours,” he mumbles, running his nose along the shell of my ear.

“Oh. That’s convenient.”

“Mmmhmmm. Is it okay that I’m here? I didn’t like the idea of sleeping in my bed alone.”

Well, if that doesn’t set my heart a flutterin’.

“Yes. I like that you’re here,” I tell him, his arms wrapping even tighter around my abdomen.

“Did you have a good night with your sisters?” he asks quietly, closing his eyes once more.

“Yeah. What time did you get here?” I ask, unable to keep myself from touching him any longer. My hand goes to his hair and there’s no missing the way his eyes flutter dreamily when I toy with his shaggy locks.

“Got off at six. Showered at my place, but I couldn’t sleep. Crawled over here about seven.”

Glancing over his shoulder, the clock on the wall reads eight-thirty. “Go back to sleep. We can talk more later.”

“Stay with me here?” he asks, pulling me even closer into his body until I’m not sure where I end and he begins.