Before I realize what’s happening, I’m moving. Well, we’re moving. My lips tingle, my breathing erratic, and my legs wobbly. I can feel eyes on me as Levi leads me through the garden, where groups of people are milling around, and straight out the gate that leads to the parking lot.

When we reach his truck, he presses me against the cool metal and takes my face in his. “Do you feel it?” he asks, breathing hard against my face.

“I feel something,” I quip, rubbing my hip against his impressive erection.

He doesn’t reply right away, but the corner of his mouth still tips upward. “That’s funny. Do you feel the heat we create? Do you feel how crazy my heart is beating in my chest just by being around you? How I can’t think straight or keep my hands to myself? Do you feel my eyes on you when you’re in the room? My God, Abs, do you feel how much I want you?”

There’s only one answer to all of his questions. “Yes,” I whisper, nodding my head. “I feel it. All of it.”

“Thank fuck,” he says just before devouring my lips once again. They’re swollen and quivering with each second that passes. Unfortunately, the kiss ends too soon. “Come on,” he growls, practically yanking the passenger door off the truck like some Hulk moment. And I’ll be honest…it’s fucking hot. Yes, I said fucking. It’s okay to say it when you’ve just been kissed the way I have been.

Levi practically tosses me up into the truck like a rag doll. “Buckle up.” His voice is raw and edgy, like he’s a millimeter away from reaching his breaking point. A part of me wants to give him a gentle shove, see what he’s like when he loses control.

We’re both silent on the ride back to our building. My hand is firmly gripped in his, and every time I glance over, I can see the hardness in his jaw, the subtle tick of his mouth. He looks tense, irritated, but I’m sure he’s not.

He must feel my eyes on him because he quickly turns over and looks at me. My body ignites all over again as he directs that fierceness on me. He scans my face, my eyes, and then drops down to where very minimal cleavage is showing with my blue top. His eyes continue to roam downward to where my shorts meet bare leg. I made sure to shave tonight and added lots of yummy scented lotion. My legs reflect the moonlight and it isn’t until he growls again and I feel his hand tighten around mine that I realize just how hot it is inside the truck cab.

“What about your stuff?” I whisper, my voice almost unrecognizable.

“One of the guys will pack it up for me,” he answers, glancing back up at the road.

“Oh. Do they do that often for you?” He glances back over again and studies my face with a critical eye, but he doesn’t answer my question.

Levi whips into the parking lot, practically on two wheels, and finds the first available parking spot. Actually, he takes two spots because he’s definitely not between the yellow lines. He’s out of the truck as if it was on fire and stalks around to the passenger side. I tense, wondering what exactly I said to make him seem so upset.

When the door is open and my seat belt is removed from my body, I’m pulled gently from the truck and wrapped in his arms. He’s practically panting against my face as he runs his nose against the shell of my ear. “No,” he rumbles.

“No?” I gasp as he takes my ear lobe into his mouth and bites.

“No, I’ve never done that before. I’ve never needed to be with someone so bad that I leave my guitar and my equipment behind for one of the guys to take care of. I’ve never run out of a gig, ignoring my responsibilities, because I was so fucking desperate to be with a woman that I felt like I was going to die if I didn’t have her. You. You make me so fucking nuts that I can’t think straight, can’t even see what’s around me. You are all I see, all I want, and all I fucking need.”

A gasp slips from my mouth moments before he claims it with his own. His kiss is feral, and every instinct I have takes over. I wrap my arms around him, grinding my body against his, craving more and more of his touch. Levi lifts me in the air and pins me against his truck, my legs instantly wrapping around his waist. The hardness of his erection presses firmly into my aching core, my body alive and yearning for more.

For the second time tonight, we’re moving before I can even comprehend the effort. I’m still wrapped around him like a jungle cat, his lips furiously taking everything I have, as he steers us towards our building. Thank goodness it’s dark outside; I’m sure we’re a sight to be seen.

My back bumps into the building and my hip catches the handle on the door, causing me to jolt against Levi. Our mouths pull apart as we gape at each other, all labored breathing and wild eyes. “Maybe we should wait until I get you upstairs,” he says flexing his fingers on my butt, and for the first time I realize where his hands are actually located.

“Maybe you should hurry. I hear firefighters have great stamina when it comes to stairs,” I jibe, tightening my legs around his body even more.

“Oh, Abs, you have no idea how good my stamina is,” he retorts with a side smile.

Inside, the fluorescent hallway lights shine brightly and I can easily see his hair wild from my eager hands. He starts to take the stairs–two at a time, mind you– and I start to giggle as I bounce against him. Levi holds on tightly as he runs up three floors, never once straining or showing any sign of fatigue.

“Wow, you do have great stamina,” I whisper against his ear, smiling as he growls deeply.

Levi doesn’t slow down until he’s standing in front of his door, his key magically appearing in his hand. “I want you in my bed.” It’s not a question, but a statement.

“Yes.” That single word comes out a pant, laced with anticipation and impatience.

The door is barely closed before I’m pressed against it. His lips find mine again, willingly and effortlessly. Levi pushes his tongue into my mouth, stroking mine, rekindling that burn I’ve felt since he kissed me at The Beaver. My fingers slide through his hair, grabbing hold and tugging slightly.

“Fuck, I’ve wanted this for so long. So fucking long, Abs. I thought I could never have it, could never have you.”

Our eyes are locked as I tell him, “You have me.”

“You’re sure? Because once I have you tonight, I don’t think I’ll be able to let you go.”

Swallowing over the massive lump in my throat, I whisper, “Then don’t let me go.”

His eyes burn brightly as he slowly walks towards his bedroom. I’ve been in here before but never like this. Never about to strip down naked and join him in the middle of that bed.

My God, I’m about to strip down naked and join him in bed.

Levi. I’m going to get naked with Levi.

My best friend.