Chapter Nineteen


He’s been on stage, rocking it hard, for the last three hours. His eyes continually seeking me out, offering me the biggest of smiles with each look. They take a fifteen-minute break each hour, and he keeps coming back to the side-stage where I’ve been watching the show, anxious to spend a few uninterrupted minutes with me.

No, uninterrupted isn’t the right word. Because we are definitely interrupted. Fans–and by that I mean girls–flock to him like he’s covered in honey and they’re bees. He pays them no attention, though. It baffles me because Levi has always received, and eaten up, attention from those in possession of a vagina, like it was candy. He never met a woman he couldn’t charm, that’s for sure. But tonight, I don’t see any of this flirty banter, his sexy winks, or his wicked smile that makes the panties just slide off.

He only has eyes for me.

At the beginning of the fourth and final set, Levi steps up to the mic. The crowd goes wild. Girls are out of their mind, screaming and fighting their way to the front of the small stage in the garden of The Beaver. I keep myself as far away from the crowd as possible. I’ve never been a fan of big groups of people–especially horny, crazy girls who are trying to gain Levi’s attention.

I’m happily stationed beside the stage, out of the way, while nursing a Sprite, when I hear my name. I hear it loudly. When I realize it’s coming from the microphone, I glance up on stage and see Levi’s hazel eyes focused on me. In fact, I see a lot of eyes focused on me. Oh, God. So many eyes.

“Come on, pokey. Get up front. If I’m gonna sing your song, I want to see you sing the words with me,” he says with that gorgeous smile that seems to steal my air.

I don’t move, hoping he’ll leave me in peace in my dark, hidden nook, away from the action. “Don’t make me come back there, Abs. If I have to come and get you, I’ll have the crowd chant your name.” His smirk disarms me, making me offer a smile in return. The crazy thing is I know he’s dead serious.

Slowly I get up and walk towards the corner of the stage. When the cluster of staring, drunk women refuse to move an inch, I head towards the back, away from the screaming horndogs up front. Turning around, I risk a glance up to the stage and find those same eyes following me.

“I love this song,” Levi tells the crowd. Again, the women practically orgasm right there in the grassy courtyard. “I love it because it’s my best girl’s favorite song.” The noise level reaches an ungodly pitch, making me cringe. You’d think he just professed his undying love to each one of them. “This one’s for Abby.”

And then he starts strumming his guitar, and sings the first line.

I’m hypnotized as he starts the Jeff Healey tune. The crowd starts to sway to the music, but my eyes are riveted to the man on stage. He’s larger than life when he’s up there, his guitar in his hands and a mic in front of his face. I know he doesn’t usually like to sing, but has one of those voices that’s deep and husky. He pretty much makes ovaries burst every time he opens his mouth.

I sing along with each line, each word, our eyes locked from opposite sides of the garden.

When he finishes, I find myself holding my breath, waiting. And then he does it. He points and offers me the most perfect, panty-wetting smile I’ve ever seen. My heart beats wildly in my chest, a beat that’s alive and fierce.

“You guys are so sweet. I’d never be able to only be friends with a man like him,” a girl says beside me, sipping her fruity drink. She looks like she’s barely eighteen, let alone old enough to be in the bar. The girl’s wearing barely-there clothes and too much makeup that makes her look like she just stepped off the street corner. Instead of acknowledging her comment, I give her a small smile and return my eyes to the stage. Levi has already moved back, ready to finish up their show by playing guitar.

“I mean, there must be some reason he doesn’t want to sleep with you, right? He sleeps with everyone, from what I’ve heard. In fact, I’m hoping to catch up with him later after the show. You should try to show more skin and wear makeup. Guys don’t want girls who dress like they’re heading to the library every day,” she says, not taking her eyes off my best friend, her predatory smile shining only for him. She keeps talking, but I have no clue what she says.

My heart stops beating and my vision blurs as I stare at my out-of-my-comfort-zone orange toenail polish. Her words keep repeating over and over again in my head, vocalizing my biggest concern and fear. What’s wrong with me?

I pretty much gave him an open invitation to sex me up after our date, but he turned me down. He said I was too good for first date sex, but what if it was more? What if he just can’t bring himself to sleep with me? I mean, I know he woke up that morning with a massive hard-on, but don’t they always do that? It probably wasn’t me at all, but just a common reaction to waking up and breathing.

I’m not sure how the rest of the show goes. My mind reels, replaying every moment and every conversation we’ve had over the last three weeks. Keeping back in the shadows, I wonder for the ten thousandth time if I’m making the biggest mistake of my life trying to explore this attraction I have for Levi. The man can have anyone he wants. Why would he want me?

“Because you’re gorgeous and caring and real and everything I never knew I wanted from you.”

Shocked by the words I hear, I slowly turn and find Levi’s eyes blazing with an intensity that I rarely see. He’s always so fun and laidback, rarely getting worked up. Now, his eyes are alive with a fierceness that causes my heartbeat to quicken and if I’m being completely honest, a little turned on.


“Why would you ask that?”

“Ask what?” It’s a lame question, but I can’t help but try to stall a bit as I try to figure out how he knew what I was thinking. Unless, those thoughts weren’t in my head…

Taking a step forward until our bodies are so close, he reaches up and grabs a strand of my hair. It slides effortlessly through his fingers as his eyes bore into me with such passion. “Why are you doubting that I would want you?”

Shrugging my shoulders, I drop my eyes back down to my toes, suddenly embarrassed by my insecurities.

“You listen and listen good, Abigail. I’ve never met a more beautiful woman, inside and out. I can honestly say I’m a better person just by being near you. If you want to know why I would want you, and my words still aren’t enough, then I guess I’m just going to have to show you,” he says moments before his lips claim mine.

The kiss is…yeah. Amazing. Consuming. Amazing. (Worth saying twice.) Levi urges my mouth open with his, possessing and dominating me with his killer lips and wicked tongue. Our mouths mold together like sex, deep and hard, giving and taking. We breathe each other in as our wild hands roam over each other’s bodies.

He’s sweaty from being on the small stage, his shirt molding to his muscular body as if it were made specifically for him. My core throbs with a reckless desire I’ve never felt before. Gripping his t-shirt at his back, I grind my body, shamelessly, against his hard front. I’m rewarded with a groan that I swallow, because I refuse to remove my lips from his.