SimpleMan: Wow, sounds like the guy really wanted to score points with ya! Did you get a goodnight kiss?

AngelEyes: I don’t kiss and tell. *winky face*

SimpleMan: Well, that pretty much tells me you did. If it weren’t for the beating around the bush, the smirky wink emoji would’ve given it away.

AngelEyes: Not telling. What about you? Did you kiss her?

SimpleMan: What, you don’t kiss and tell, but I have to?

AngelEyes: You don’t have to. I was just curious.

SimpleMan: Well, I will tell you that it was the best kiss of my life. Hands down. *inserts flaming emoji*

AngelEyes: Yay! Good for you.

SimpleMan: And I don’t get anything?

AngelEyes: Didn’t I tell you last night it was the best date ever?

SimpleMan: Kiss, Angel. I need deets about that kiss.

AngelEyes: Life. Altering.

I throw my fists in the air like I just won the fucking Super Bowl. And in a way, I did. Never have I been complimented more than in the direct messages I’ve had with Abby in the last twenty-four hours. And believe me, I’ve had a lot of compliments. But I couldn’t tell you what one was. This one? I’ll remember Abby’s words for the rest of my life.

We sign off an hour later, promising to be in touch later in the week. It didn’t even occur to me in that time that I’m still butt-ass naked. Shutting down my laptop, I head to my room and climb into bed. My dick was starting to throb like some perv as I pictured her on the other end of that Internet conversation, so it’s no surprise to me that I’m unable to squash the fantasy of her getting up from her computer and going to bed. Naked.

My cock is in my hand moments later, jizz seeping from the tip and providing my own lube. It’s a quick finish, one I’d normally be embarrassed about. But not when it’s Abby I’m fantasizing about.

When sleep finally claims me, it’s with a smile on my face and her on my mind.