Chapter Eighteen


I’m sweaty and hot and could definitely use a cold shower, but that still doesn’t stop me from reaching over for Abby’s hand as we head home from Dean and Payton’s place. She gives me one of those shy grins that I’ve come to love the shit out of. Just one glance at it makes my heart start beating crazy-fast in my chest.

It’s a scary feeling, but I don’t let myself freak out over it. Not now. Not when sitting beside her, with her hand in my own, feels so fucking right.

And I ran from this? Hell yes, I did. This feelings shit is big-time scary, but I’m not going to let it pull me down. There’s no room for doubts anymore. It’s like standing on the diving board. I’ve already committed to the jump, so there’s only one thing left to do: jump. And that’s what this is. A big leap of faith and trust, but if I’m going to step out of my comfort zone and into the relationship zone, then I’d only want to find Abby on the other side.

She’s my calm. My solace.

It’s a short drive to our building, so before too long, I’m pulling into the parking lot. She waits until I can come around and help her down from the passenger seat, something that I’ve come to love in light of recent events. Her body molds to mine as I help her, the scent of vanilla and a bit of sweat hitting my senses like a freight train.

Abby gives me another grin, her green eyes shining as the day turns to night. Taking her hand again, we head towards the front door of our building. Another couple from our floor is coming out, and after exchanging a few pleasantries, we’re heading towards the stairwell.

She has her key out before we hit the landing for the third floor. I follow at a very close distance, craving that nearness. When the door is open, she turns, those emeralds sparkling up at me like diamonds caught in the sun.

“I have to work next weekend, but we have a gig at The Beaver Friday night. Go?” I ask, stepping forward and running my hands up her bare arms. I’m rewarded with a shiver.

“Oh, um…” she hem and haws around, the wheels in her gorgeous head spinning faster than a hamster wheel. “I don’t know.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she insists quickly. Too quickly.

“Why don’t you want to go?”

She looks to be sputtering to find the right words, and eventually just stops trying. Abby stares at me, wordlessly.

“Confession time.” I know she’d never lie to me during a confession. It’s part of the pact.

She closes her eyes for a moment, and I start to wonder if she’s going to speak. It only takes a few seconds before her eyes open and she’s staring straight at me. “Okay, so you know I’ve kinda had a crush on you for longer than a few weeks, and well, it was too hard watching you go home with other girls after your shows. That’s why I haven’t gone much lately.” Her eyes divert from my face, but there’s no way to miss the look of hurt etched in those eyes.

“I haven’t done that in a year,” I tell her honestly.

Irritated. Oh, my little firecracker is definitely looking at me like she wants to bite. And yeah, I might like it, but I don’t want her to do it because she’s pissed at me. “You’re not supposed to lie during a confession. It’s against the rules,” she reminds me.

“I would never lie to you. I haven’t.”

“I saw that girl slipping out of your apartment a few weeks ago, Levi.”

Think, Levi, fucking think!

Then it hits me.


“Oh, no! That was Dexter’s sister. He ended up hooking up with Crystal when I wouldn’t so I gave her my spare bed for the night so she wasn’t scarred for the rest of her life, listening to her brother have sex.”

Relief seems to transform her face as she relaxes a bit. “Oh.”

Stepping forward, I rest one hand on her shoulder and use the other to stroke her cheek. “Confession time,” I say. “I haven’t been with a woman in about a year because I’ve been hung up on my best friend.”

She seems completely fucking surprised by my confession, and we can’t have that now, can we? “You didn’t know? I’m sure I’ve done a shitty job hiding it.”

“I didn’t know,” she confesses sweetly.

“You don’t have to go Friday night. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, but I need you to know that I’ll be going home solo. You don’t have to worry about that.”