“Why do you say that?”

“You two have been doing the sexual tension tango around each other for years.” Leaning forward so that no one can hear, she asks, “How was the date?”

“How did you-” I start, but know it’s fruitless.

“How do you think? Lexi told Grandma who took out a message in the church bulletin this morning.”

Gasping, my eyes fly towards my sister’s green ones. “What?!”

“Kidding. Jeez, calm down. She did text us last night and told us all that you two finally got your shit together.”

“And that’s big news?” I ask, hating that my siblings were all communicating about me, but knowing that it was inevitable.

“Of course it is, silly. We’ve all seen it forever now; we’ve just been waiting on you two to catch up,” she says before grabbing one of the lamps sitting on the floor and heading back out the front.

Levi and Dean load the table into the trailer that’ll go to my dad’s place, while Ryan meets them around the back with two of the chairs.

“Well, how was the sex?” Lexi whispers excitedly behind me.

“For the love of God, we didn’t have sex,” I tell her, spinning around to find her, Jaime, and Payton both there with smiles.

“Whatever,” Payton grumbles, sarcastically, as she grabs one of the last few boxes in the living room.

“It’s okay if you didn’t, Abs. I didn’t sleep with Ryan on our first date,” Jaime says, picking up another box.

“Yes you did, hussy! You spent the night with him,” Lexi chimes in.

“That was the second date,” Jaime defends before walking towards the door. “Our first date was just a kiss. The most perfect kiss ever.”

My face blushes as memories of last night’s kiss parade through my mind. That kiss was single-handedly the best kiss of my entire life. It was the Super Bowl and World Series all rolled into one. No other first kiss could ever possibly measure up, which just sucks because every time I kiss someone for the first time, I’ll think of Levi and how wonderful his kisses were.

But what if there never was another first kiss?

Call it wishful thinking, but even I’m not naïve enough to know that’s probably not true. Nothing ever happens like in the love stories I read day in and day out. Levi and I are friends, sure, but not destined to be together or anything. Even though he makes me feel alive and invincible, even just from a single night of kisses, doesn’t mean he’s the one I’m destined to spend the rest of my life with.

But, boy, wouldn’t that be amazing?

Blushing again, I turn back and face my sisters. They’re all wearing matching grins. “What?”

“Tell us,” Payton encourages, stepping forward and eliminating the gap.

Three sets of eager eyes stare back at me. “It was…amazing.”

“Like your body was going to burst into flames?” Payton asks.

“Mmhmmmm,” I hum with a coy smile.

“If by the way you’re blushing is any indication, I’d say it was better than amazing,” Jaime says.

“And you didn’t have sex with him? Have I not taught you anything?” Lexi grins over the box in her arms and heads out the door.

“Ignore her, Abs. You go at your own pace. Only you and Levi will know it’s right, if it’s right.” Payton clearly slipped into the big sister role effortlessly.

“Thank you, Pay,” I say before she can slip out the door.

“But my vote is for marathon sex. I bet that man could go all night long,” she hollers over her shoulder before slipping outside herself.

“My only advice is that whenever it happens, make sure you’re not in public. Indecent exposure won’t look good on you, Abs,” Jaime contributes before following the others outside.